Review of Proflight Zambia flight Livingstone Lusaka in Economy

Airline Proflight Zambia
Flight P0705
Class Economy
Seat 1B
Flight time 01:10
Take-off 29 Sep 14, 13:40
Arrival at 29 Sep 14, 14:50
P0 2 reviews
By 2973
Published on 26th September 2015
My buddy Dave and I were visiting a friend who lived in Lusaka, Zambia and took a side trip to Livingstone to see Victoria Falls, swim in the Devil's Pool, and do some bungee jumping. This flight was our return back to Lusaka, the outbound was on a less exciting 737. Our flight was out of the small domestic terminal at LVI, but our driver from Jollyboys (I don't recommend staying there) dropped us off at the new international terminal so we took a peek inside.

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The waiting area inside the domestic terminal, below. Like most small African airports, there aren't any gates, just a single waiting area for every flight operating out of the airport. When your flight is called, you go through security (middle of the picture) before proceeding outside. As you can see, there are no ropes or barriers to funnel everyone through security before going outside. Circumventing it would unfortunately be very easy.

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An alternate view of the waiting area inside the domestic terminal at LVI.

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Comair 737 seen while walking towards our aircraft.

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The aircraft that took us back to Lusaka. On the outbound flight we were on a 737, but Proflight used two separate Jetstream 3200s for the return.

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My buddy Dave outside the aircraft before we boarded.

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No assigned seats on this flight.

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Everyone settling in.

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My seat (1B) just outside the cockpit. There were fittings for a drape to go across the cockpit entrance, but this aircraft didn't have the drape.

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Time to start taxiing.

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View out the cockpit window as we took off.

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I wasn't expecting any sort of snack to be served, so this pineapple juice was a nice surprise. The flight was short and unremarkable, though nearly the entire duration was filled with turbulence and unfortunately a passenger in the back became sick.

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Disembarking in Lusaka.

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Ethiopian and Emirates aircraft seen as we make our way into the Lusaka terminal.

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Flightline side of the Lusaka terminal.

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One last look out onto the apron before heading inside to the terminal.

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I won't be making a full trip report for the outbound leg as it was between the same airports and on a less interesting aircraft, a 737. But here's a picture of the outside of the aircraft. It was certainly very old as it still had the old turbojet powerplants. All of the signage inside was in Spanish which made me wonder about its former life. Apparently it's moved on to its next life as well because Proflight does not operate this 737, or any other 737 anymore.

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As requested, here's a pic of the terrain between LUN and LVI. We were there during the dry season and you can tell that the landscape was very dry and dusty.

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Being at Victoria Falls during dry season offers a very different perspective than the wet season, there is much less water flowing over the falls. During the wet season the whole left side of the falls in this picture would have water flowing over it.

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Dave and I standing on the edge. That little pool of water on the right edge of the picture is the Devil's Pool.

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The main advantage of going during dry season is being able to experience the Devil's Pool. You can only do it when the right amount of water is flowing. This Superman pose requires quite a lot of trust from your guide, haha.

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Proflight Zambia

Cabin crew7.0

Livingstone - LVI


Lusaka - LUN



An overall decent flight from Livingstone (LVI) to Lusaka (LUN) on Proflight Zambia. I had never been on a Jetstream 3200 before, so it was nice to experience. The flight was very bumpy and the cabin was hot, so I doubt I'd choose a flight on another one of these aircraft again if given the choice. Proflight is really the only option for nonstop air travel between Lusaka and Livingstone. Our roundtrip tickets from LUN to LVI were $121.82 each, all in, which was a steal. Intra-Africa airfare is often pretty pricey. The clientele seemed to be upper class Zambians and Western tourists, though most of the other tourists were significantly older than we were.



If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 147383 by
    pititom GOLD 11524 Comments
    Sure, there is no comfort or service to expect but on such a route, paying just over $100 for the round trip is a steal.

    Plus the destination must be absolutely gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing !
  • Comment 147388 by
    airtraveladdict 117 Comments
    Cool trip report, we rarely get to see interesting trips like this.
    I imagine it would be a very bumpy ride!
    Anyway, that BA jet.. looks like a tiny A320 lol but its probably a 777-200.
  • Comment 147558 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Comments
    Now that is one exotic flight report! Unless you're from Southern Africa, I guess :-P
    Definitely don't see too many trip reports on this type on aircraft or route. A 737 might be boring, but the person in the back probably wouldn't have gotten sick, haha.
    Nice variety of aircraft at Lusaka, for a secondary African city--ncie to see two widebodies lines up and it's always cool to see the BA/Comair 737s around in Africa--Kind of like seeing the UA 737s in Asia.
    Always wanted to go to Victoria Falls so thanks for sharing the pics.
    Hopefully we'll see some more reports from you--even on boring 737s :-)

    Welcome to Flight-Report!
  • Comment 148184 by
    East African 1595 Comments
    Hi Nick,

    Thanks again for this excellent FR, a welcome trip down memory lane though LVI was not as modern as you show here... haha !
    The fare paid was 29 usd one way LUN-LVI for a much longer flight lol (in a Cessna Caravan) and the inflight service was a choice of soft drinks and beer along with a bag of crisps... Very nice!

    Proflight are obviously the only reliable option in Zambia, i'm glad they are still flying around even if i fear the arrival of Fastjet (with a base) in Lusaka... we will see

    You were just lucky to manage to swim in the Devil's pool, a must do for sure!

    Looking forward to more
  • Comment 377835 by
    bryoobee 3 Comments
    Hi Nick, its nice reading your report especially about my country's airports and our national carrier. note that a new terminal is to be constructed at LUN and will meet international standards with jetbridges and the coming of Zambian Airways you will enjoy flight to destinations in my country Zambia.

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