Review of Al Maha Airways flight Dubai Doha in First

Airline Al Maha Airways
Flight QR1035
Class First
Seat 1F
Aircraft Airbus A320
Flight time 01:15
Take-off 29 Oct 15, 23:25
Arrival at 29 Oct 15, 23:40
Q3 4 reviews
By 4438
Published on 26th October 2015
Hi, English-speaking FR community.

Usually, I do not translate my FRs into English.
But since I got here a long awaited exclusivity, I would like to share it with you guys.
So, what is it all about ?

Well : this is would be the first lounge report on FR of the brand new QR Al-Safwa lounge in DOH.

Soft opening of the lounge happened 10 days ago. And without me flying to IFN the very first week-end after the opening, I would have reported earlier.

The challenge is to get access to this supposedly Unicorn-ladden wonderland at a minimum cost.

OW Emerald status is of no use to enter this lounge. You have to fly first, period.
Thankfully, QR sells its regional premium product as First which greatly reduces the cost and the loss of time.
I wouldn't be able to fork out several thousand euros just for a lounge report !

Flying F from Dubai onto Doha costs ca 1000 EUR for a return F ticket, or a quiet steep single trip of 650 EUR from DOH to Dubai.
As a consequence, it makes more sense to rely on FFP award to get the magical boarding pass.

While tweaking with QF award search engine, I finally got my hand on a nice proposal.
- usually a single F ticket goes at 26000 miles + taxes.
- but by opting to depart from DWC, I found a return ticket for 26000 miles + taxes.
- and that is a lot cheaper (miles and cash wise) than a Y award or revenue ticket on the outbound and a F on the inbound

So here is the routing allowing also to report the two regional first products : outbound with an A320 and inbound onboard the B788.

QR 1035 DWC DOH 23h25 23H40 A320 : this report
QR 1014 DOH DXB 20h55 23h05 B788 :

So here it is : nearly 20 hours straight in Al Safwa lounge.
(yeah, yeah I am a lounge slut).

We have to start with a flight to get to DOH if we want to get to Al-Safwa lounge.
I left the mogoymobile 2 (the number 1 remains in France) on the DWC parking lot which has the great advantage to (still) be free.

photo P1060438

The other bright side is that no long walking is needed to reach the terminal.

photo P1060440

On the right side, the departure lounge, at the back the arrival side. This (low cost) DWC terminal is very much similar to the Terminal 2 of DXB. Unglamorous, functional low rise building without any architectural pretense served by pax bus.

photo P1060441

Departure lounge entrance.

photo P1060442

Check-in counters in the back, very similar to those of the DXB T2.

photo P1060443

The FIDS is a bit empty especially compared to 2014 when FZ and others had to relocate their flights during the maintenance of one of DXB runways. Recently FZ has developed its activity in DWC with a few frames rebased there.

QR has several rotations a day to DWC. Isolated in the desert, DWC has the edge when it comes to land near Jebel Ali port. GF is also one regular airline on top of W6 which offer some flights a week to BUD and OTP. When springs comes back, that would require some checking.

photo P1060444

Self checking is limited to FZ.

photo P1060445

Despite the few flights, DWC has invested into a large FIDS !

photo P1060446

QR check-in counters are not yet manned, 4 hours before departure time. Understandable. Some pax are already queuing !

photo P1060447

Priority check-in is taken very seriously by QR.

photo P1060451

As well by FZ.

photo P1060448

W6 flights checking-in.

photo P1060449

Some useless gizmoh that gives you your gate number after scanning your BP.
Pretty weird given the size of the terminal.

photo P1060450

Let's tour the landside terminal while waiting for the check-in to open. Between the departure and arrival lounge are :

photo P1060452

A mini food court.

photo P1060453

Major rent-a-car companies, some hotel bookers, DU and Etisalat (UAE mobile operators), a bank and a bureau de change.

photo P1060454

Starkbucks crowns the arrival lounge.

photo P1060456

The taxi stand to finish the tour. Some RTA bus is calling at DWC but only once per hour.

photo P1060457

The airport offers 60 minutes of free wifi.

photo P1060458

It's efficient enough. Olivedel with an AF first flight is making the news.

photo P1060459

Three hours sharp before departure, check-in opens. Quiet impressive as this flight as all others ex DWC are operated by A320.

photo P1060460

No less than 5 counters are manned by dnata staff. No QR rep visible.
Rechecking myself and getting my two next BP plus the lounge invitation to the Marhaba lounge.

photo P1060461

Heading to BP and passport control.

photo P1060462

The immigration is overcome quickly thanks to the automated egates saving me a lot of time as always. Just behind the security controls with nearly no queue at all.

photo P1060463

Zoom on the egate machine.

photo P1060464

Just after the security controls, dutyfree shop surround the pax.

photo P1060466

From the right.

photo P1060467

From the left.

photo P1060468

But you are not channelled through them as in some of the new commercially savvy airports.

photo P1060470

On the second floor, a McDonalds and some restaurants.

photo P1060471

The only DWC lounge is also on the second floor. The signing gently prods you to take the stairs.

photo P1060472

But I know the trick and my lazy myself prefers the escalator. Panoramic view of the airside DWC.
Gates surround the duty free central area.

photo P1060474

A mini smoking lounge on this floor. Another one near the gates.

photo P1060475

The lounge entrance.

photo P1060476

And the lounge invitation that will be kept by the dragon.

photo P1060477

Undistinguished welcome by the dragon who requests to see my BP on top of the invitation.
The press offering is rather dismal with no major publication. No surprise for me as I have already been to this very average lounge.

photo P1060478

To be noted, a very small relaxation zone, but just besides the blaring TVs… Earplugs recommended !

photo P1060479

Upon arrival, one of the lounge attendant proposes me to order a hot meal out of a 4 course menu.

photo P1060480

My choice : vegetable byriani. Not so bad for such a small lounge in a rather low-costish terminal.

photo P1060481

The news from Florida are not really appropriate for an airport lounge.

photo P1060482

But more is needed to stop me from eating !

photo P1060483

The 60 minutes airport free wifi come to an end. I switch to the lounge wifi service secured by a password that I will not reveal here…

photo P1060484

The buffet zone.

photo P1060485

The opposite view with the main lounge seating area. My seat in the back corner.

photo P1060486

It's a rather small lounge and it is excruciantingly windowless.

photo P1060487

The food offering is rather sparse at this hour.

photo P1060488

Especially for the sweets. Just take one of the two remaining pastries.
Some cans help to hide their lonelyness.

photo P1060489


photo P1060490

Some gold but that is not enough.

photo P1060491

3 very basic beers. Bud, Amstel et Amstel light.

photo P1060492

Perrier could be qualified as the top of the offering. But it's at ambient temperature and no ice in sight.

photo P1060493

Cheap liquors and wines.

photo P1060494

Very basic snacks as well. That would make the perfect counterpoint with Al-Safwa lounge !

photo P1060495

BP, passport and FF card.

photo P1060496

The marhaba lounge has its own restroom. Unfortunately busy with a father and his kids. I had to skip that one !

photo P1060497

Time to board, the dragon does her duty and gently prods the pax out of the lounge as we are the last flight out of DWC.
A costa coffe shop also on the second floor.

photo P1060498

QR and GF the last one to leave DWC this evening.

photo P1060499

The same dnata agents proceed with the check-in and the boarding. I would be greeted by my name.

photo P1060500

Rather a full flight, it seems. There is an early morning departure bank in DOH.

photo P1060502

Boarding is finally announced, in a paxbus obviously. I have the choice to board last certainly with an upgraded paxbus. But I'd better seat in the plane than to wait for the cattle to get in.

photo P1060503

Now, I thought I had my fair deal of smallish firsts on this flight:
- first departure ex DWC on FR
- first report of DWC Marhaba lounge on FR
- and now the first flight onboard the Al Maha A320 subfleet. Al Maha is supposed to be the Saudi branch of QR but is stuck in administrative issues with the Saudi authorities (if you know Saudi, you shouldn't be that surprised).

photo P1060504

Only two pictures of this brand new bird. An agent is reminding me that pictures are not allowed. Still wondering why… this is not North Korea !

photo P1060505

The upfront cabin with its generous pitch.

photo P1060507

The leather seats are looking really great.

photo P1060508

A pillow rests on the seat. A bit too fluffy to my taste.

photo P1060509

The pitch is more than satisfactory, can't reach the wall.

photo P1060510

Our GF friend is actively trying to be the first at push back. He is supposed to have a headstart on us.

photo P1060511

Power plug for each seat. International standard. It seems so plain and obvious in the cabin. But why on earth it's such a rarity in the lounges (except EK in F) ?

photo P1060512

Same green stitching as Al Maha corporate color.

photo P1060513

Safety cards.

photo P1060514photo P1060515

Onboard litterature.

photo P1060516

Cleaning done.

photo P1060517

Top notch.

photo P1060519

The seat is equiped with a small table for additional glas space.

photo P1060520photo P1060521

Modern upper control panel.

photo P1060522

Welcome drink orders are taken by a FA, just after introducing herself.
Jacquart Champange is a far cry compared to the Krug served not so long ago.

photo P1060523

Cheers !

photo P1060524

A hot oshibori comes shortly after being given the choice (cold/hot). Nicely presented.

photo P1060525

Menu card.

photo P1060526

Very light meal on this short haul sector.

photo P1060527

Beverage list, I haven't tested the espresso offering.

photo P1060528

In this cabin, no IFE, hence the manual safety instructions.

photo P1060532

We push back before GF, great success !

photo P1060533

Currently DWC is mainly for cargo operations.

photo P1060534

While taxiing, a date, traditionnally offered on QR.

photo P1060536

Followed by this other milestone of Arabian hospitality.

photo P1060537

Take off.

photo P1060539photo P1060540

DWC pax terminal.

photo P1060541

The first cabin is composed of 3 row of 4 seats. 6 pax onboard this evening.

photo P1060544

The purser in action.

photo P1060545

Just one fold for the linen, I have seen worse.

photo P1060546

The seat is just a recliner with very limited angle. Al Maha is purely a regional concept. Hope they don't fly her to Eastern Europe !

photo P1060547

After introducing herself and taking the order, the purser serves the guests.

photo P1060548

Served on a plate in one-go.

photo P1060549

Looks nice.

photo P1060550

Dessert la Durée, recently established in Qatar.

photo P1060551

Hot toasts.

photo P1060552

With some more champagne, to be honest the whole thing was a bit bland and disappointing.

photo P1060553

The dessert is well balanced though, not too sweety and a nice savoury harmony.

photo P1060555

Closing in to DOH from the north, overflying the Pearl.

photo P1060556

Followed by DOH business center.

photo P1060558

Together with the required shoot on the wingtip.

photo P1060559

Landing and taxiing.

photo P1060562photo P1060564

Finally there.

photo P1060568

No jetbridge though, upgraded pax bus to bring us to the transfer area.

photo P1060569

Peak hour, with a lot of connecting pax.

photo P1060570

Security control are passed like a breeze. Pax and agents are doing their best, my carry-on did not get stop in the process. Thanks mainly to the short queue for the F/J track.

photo P1060571

Direction Al Safwa.

photo P1060572

Here we are.

photo P1060573

There it goes!
In this FR, my purpose is just to route you throughout the Al Safwa lounge to get a grasp of it .
The next one will enter into the details of each zone.

Stairways to heaven.
Well guarded by a lounge dragon. That was quiet a hurdle to overcome as I had only a regional F BP with a very long (20hours) layover.

photo P1060574

But it went all good !

photo P1060575

The other zoo-like transfer zone.

photo P1060576

Finally getting to it, another BP control is done.

photo P1060674

Downward view of the gate control.

photo P1060675

A lounge attendant briefs me shortly on the lounge amenities.

photo P1060673

Basically the lounge is articulated around this cross road.

photo P1060629

But before that, the dedicated duty free zone is on the right.

photo P1060630

And the business center on the left.

photo P1060631

Once at the crossroad, 90 degrees to the left, and we got :
- some seating area that continue on the left and from there onto a noisy mezzanine not isolated from the terminal.
- a water rainfall through a tube. Completely pointless and beautiful.
- in the back, the bar followeed by a T-shaped eating rooom.

photo P1060638

The bar. On the left the kitchen view. On its right, the smooking room entrance.

photo P1060608

Le T on the right.

photo P1060670

Le T on the left.

photo P1060671

Kitchen view.

photo P1060672

Dining details.

photo P1060587photo P1060602

The way to the mezzanine.

photo P1060665

The mezzanine.

The smoking room facing the bar.

photo P1060669photo P1060610

Back to the waterfall.

photo P1060646

On the left the entrance to the media room.

photo P1060647

Back to the crossroad, the help desk.

photo P1060640

A few meters away the luggage room.

photo P1060641

With code protected boxes.

photo P1060642

Going on, a secondary food zone.

photo P1060643photo P1060644photo P1060645

Back to the crossroad, the last leg.

photo P1060639

Prayer rooms.

photo P1060650

Along the wall, a different kind of waterfall.

photo P1060651

The spa and private room entrance guarded by a dedicated dragon.

photo P1060652

The family room is likewise guarded.

photo P1060653

At the end of this corridor, another lounge entrance, currently unmanned.

photo P1060663

Which allow entrance to the lounge.

photo P1060664

Thanks for the reading, the next FR will detail most of the subzone and the catering.
See more


Al Maha Airways

Cabin crew8.0

Marhaba Lounge


Dubai - DWC


Doha - DOH



The flight

Comfort : nice seat, but with limited recline. okay for a regional flight, less so for Eastern Europe bound one.
Crew: Attentive and professional but lacking the personal touch.
Catering : just okay but more thanks to the service side than the quality of the food.
Enter.: no IFE, no ZE...
Ontime : 5 min de late on departure, 19 min on arrival.

Marhaba lounge :
Comfort :few power plug, window and soul less. Pretty basic.
Presse : down to the bottom but functionning wifi.
Service : enough and dilligent, the only strong point of this lounge.
Catering : dismal, thanks god the on seat service saves it all.

Nice controls operations.
Access : without a taxi or own car, pretty lame.
Service : not up to the DXB level, but quiet honourable.
Cleanliness : without blame.

DOH : nice fast track efficiency.

Information on the route Dubai (DWC) Doha (DOH)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 3 avis concernant 1 compagnies sur la ligne Dubai (DWC) → Doha (DOH).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est Al Maha Airways avec 6.4/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 1 heures et 11 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 149725 by
    whitelight44 346 Comments
    Awesome FR. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to try the first lounge in Doha. It looks so spacious, clean, organized and very impressive :)
  • Comment 149728 by
    mogoy AUTHOR 10181 Comments
    Thanks Whitelight44 for the comment.

    Orgnanized it is ! Clean it is ! Soul full is another matter !
    While a very respectable first lounge, it can't compare to AF first lounge catering wise.

    Maybe that is the limit of the gulf sister, true and real soul, or as we call it in France : terroir !

    Cheers, more to come !
  • Comment 149806 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Comments
    Thanks for sharing this unicorn report :-)

    Cool to see a report from DWC! It looks beautiful, but it's so weird how few airlines fly there and how empty it looks.
    Despite the lack of windows in the Marhaba lounge, the table service is definitely a plus for a business class level lounge.
    p.s. there's some French left in your conclusion Presse : nullissime, mais le wifi fonctionne. Also, comfort with an M :-)

    I didn't know the Al Maha A320s were put into service. I know they'd been delivered, but figured they must just be sitting until the whole Saudi Arabia thing got worked out. I'm surprised to see it flying as a QR flight, but I suppose there isn't really any difference in the product for a regional flight. 26,000 for a one-way would have been a really bad value for such a short flight, good thing you were able to get the ticket for 26K for a roundtrip.

    What to say about the new Al-Safwa First looks gigantic...really impressive, like a whole city by itself. It's got some really cool architectural features and it's very modern. The downside of being for huge and modern is that it seems very cold, empty, and somewhat uninviting. It doesn't seem to say have a seat and unwind...seems more like a museum don't touch anything. But it is impressive, that's for sure. As a one-world Emerald, it annoys me when airlines try to get around the one-world lounge access rules with these Special lounges. BA slaps the word Concorde on a lounge and boom, no access. It's not a good trend as the First class lounge access for oneworld Emeralds is one of the most valuable aspects of the alliance Elite programs.

    Beautiful photos throughout! Thanks for sharing.

    • Comment 328494 by
      mogoy AUTHOR 10181 Comments
      Thanks for the comment !

      French leftovers have been translated.
      Intimidating as it could look, the lounge cater to people not easily impressed or sometimes squarely arrogant.
      But it definitely lacks cozyness. It is a difficult marriage after all.

      All in all I prefer EK first lounges (councourses A and B only).
  • Comment 149808 by
    Transporteurs Aeriens 111 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR.

    On peut voir que sur les A320 Qatar Airways a une première classe avec des gros fauteuils en cuir, les sièges ful-flat (Je pense), service excellent sur un vol d'à peu près 1h15.
    Qatar Airways est la première meilleure compagnie au monde et ça elle mérite ça. (Le statut d'être première)

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