Review of Singapore Airlines flight Singapore Moscow in Economy

Airline Singapore Airlines
Flight SQ 62
Class Economy
Seat 32J
Aircraft Boeing 777-300ER
Flight time 10:40
Take-off 05 Sep 14, 02:30
Arrival at 05 Sep 14, 09:10
SQ   #1 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 701 reviews
Published on 4th November 2015
Welcome to my latest in series of flights I took to New Zealand and Australia via Singapore in conjunction with SQ and NZ. If you’re joining us on this flight, please feel free to read the other reports of this journey at the links below:

Flight 1 - SQ 61 IAH - DME
Flight 2 - SQ 61 DME - SIN
Flight 3 - SQ 285 SIN - AKL
Flight 4 - NZ 123 AKL - MEL
Flight 5 - SQ 228 MEL - SIN
Flight 6 - SQ 62 SIN - DME

The reality hits that this trip will now be ending soon.

We had just gotten off SQ 228 from MEL on 9V-SKA slightly delayed after an aborted take off due to cargo door indicator light turning on. We arrived over 1hr 20min delayed, but still had plenty of time for our next flight as it would be one of the last flights to depart from T3.

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The flight to IAH showing as a VA flight.

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The flight to IAH now showing as the SQ flight.

By the time we arrived, we looked for a bit of food since I heard they redid the food court to mimic a hawker market. At the time we arrived many of the shops and eateries started to close down for the evening with a handful of flights waiting to depart. When we went to the food court, some of the stands had closed, while a few had been closed all day due to gas/electrical problems that prevented them from opening all day. Except for the Burger King, the hawker area had a different way of purchase requiring obtaining a card upon entering the area. Yet even the Burger King seemed to be getting ready to close up for a few hours before reopening. Since we did not have lounge access and saw that we would be departing nearby, my parents found some seats near the Koi Pond while they rested. I needed to get rid of some energy, so I walked around the terminal to see what places would remain open.

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The Satay Burger sounds interesting

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Look at the pretty koi!

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Hard Rock Changi

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A quiet T3

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A couple of passengers waiting for their flights

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SQ 062
05 September 2014
ETD: 02:30
ATD: 02:32
ETA: 09:10
ATA: 09:16
Seat 32J

Initially my boarding pass from MEL showed that my IAH flight would depart from B4, but later on it changed to B9. This would be the first time using one of the gates at T3 on the outer fringe. Usually it has been among either the A1-A5 or B1-B5 gates with a central security. Time to make the long journey to B9.

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At B9, it seemed like this would be a very light flight to DME and onto IAH. First up, security, which took less than five minutes with only one person in front of me. After initial boarding pass/passport check and security, a gate agent scanned our boarding pass and welcomed us into the waiting area. A handful of passengers had already started to camp out since it was around 01:20 and our prescribed boarding time would be approaching soon.

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This would pretty much be everyone heading to IAH from SIN. There would be a small group of Australian students headed to Russia for a sports competition that would be only on this flight.

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Boarding doors

By 01:50, twenty minutes after our scheduled boarding time, a SATS agent welcomed all passengers to board SQ to 62 to DME and IAH. She did not call for any pre-boarding of premium or passengers needing assistance. Thus, a free-for-all boarding ensued, but at a much quieter manner due to the rather open flight.

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Eek! I got the middle seat!

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Upon boarding Mr. Purple Tie, greeted me on board with a smile and showed me to cut through the galley to get to 32J. It did seem odd that no one had boarded the J cabin, yet. Eventually a handful of passengers would join me all the way to IAH.

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I was greeted by blue kebaya Joanne, green tie Chua, and blue tie Chan. Other than Chua, the remaining FAs wore blue. Once I got situated in my seat, I had this strange feeling like I would be flying on a familiar plane. Lo and behold, we would be taking 9V-SWP all the way back to IAH. I know SQ has other, nicer, 77Ws, not even with the new seats. I just wanted a bit of variety since by the end of this trip, I would have flown 9V-SWP a total of six times! I think that’s more than I have ever flown on a plane with the same registration.

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By 02:00, there had been a lull in boarding. I could see the few J passengers getting situated. I heard the call for boarding complete by 02:20 and the sound of 2L closed by 02:25.

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At around 02:28, Captain Lee gave his welcome message. Joining him tonight would be First Officers Tan and Luk. We would be pushing back soon once given clearance from air traffic. The flight time to DME would be 10h15m and expected a relatively smooth flight.

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After his welcome, our ISM turned on the safety video while the FAs took their seats. I still do not understand why they do this. As the safety video progressed, we started our pushback from the gate and made our way to Runway 20R.

By 02:40 we were airborne over the Singapore making our way to DME. From this part, I do not quite remember the rest since I was slowly falling asleep. I remember receiving a menu and the Givenchy amenity kit. After receiving those, I converted 32HJK into my comfortable skybed. Many other passengers did the same, including my parents. Other preferred to sleep in their seats while some of the Australian sports group played card games and chilled for the long flight. Since I cannot find my menu as I’m writing this trip report, I assumed they handed out oshibori, did a drink service, and then followed up with either a meal or light snack service. I do not remember any of that as I passed out with my body still on Melbourne time.

I had comfortably fell asleep for at least 6hrs. I remember waking up and seeing one of the FAs had left one of the small little sealed containers of water from the meal tray. Before drinking that, I made to the lavatory. Upon hearing me leave, Chua peaked his head out of the galley and saw I had woken up. He asked if there was anything I would like. I actually asked if I could get some hot water for some cup-o-noodles I had bought in Melbourne before my trip. He told me to bring the noodles over and he’ll heat them up. He also asked what I would like to drink and I requested my usual apple spritzer. He kindly asked me to return to my seat and he would bring them right over, verifying I sat at 32J. A few minutes later, he is carrying a small tray that has my noodles, some chopsticks, my apple spritzer, and a glass of water. I was truly appreciative of the kind gesture.

I enjoyed my light snack and decided to bring back my used tray to the galley. I guess the FAs are trained so they heard me and Joanne opened up the curtain and saw me with my little tray. She asked was there anything else I would like, and I kindly asked for another apple spritzer. She said to wait as she would quickly make one, and within seconds she handed one to me with ice. I thanked her for it and she smiled. I returned back to my seat feeling a bit full. I slept long enough to hear the rumblings of breakfast service being started and the smell of scented oshibori.

Around 06:00 Moscow time with two hours left in the flight at 36000ft, Joanne and Chua started to hand out scented oshibori. Similar to previous flights on this sector, they started the second service at the end of our cabin and worked their way forward. I remember getting the beef and actually surprised it contained some chili peppers. I remember the ham salad smelling a bit odd probably from the over hard egg yolk. Still wish it had a bit more spice to it.

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By 11:45, Joanne and Chua had picked up meal trays and started their preparation for arrival into DME. I organized my skybed by folding all the blankets and then relaxing a bit before arriving. First Officer Tan let us know our progress left in the flight as we would start our initial descent. By 12:55 they called for FAs to be seated for landing.

At 1301, we landed on Runway 32R and made the relatively short taxi to our gate while admiring the multitude of planes just sitting in and around the airport.

By 1315 we had deplaned after a bit of wait to get to gate and then letting the few J passengers off. Now it is time to enjoy the joys of transiting through DME.

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See more


Singapore Airlines

Cabin crew9.0

Singapore - SIN


Moscow - DME



While I would have taken 9V-SWP a total of 6 times, I still ranked Cabin Comfort high for the sheer fact I got to enjoy it was nice to again get a skybed. Yet, I do wonder how much longer this flight would last.



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