Review of Cebgo flight Busuanga Manila in Economy

Airline Cebgo
Flight DG 6048
Class Economy
Seat --
Aircraft ATR 72-600
Flight time 01:05
Take-off 21 Sep 17, 14:25
Arrival at 21 Sep 17, 15:30
DG 6 reviews
By 1211
Published on 20th October 2017

This will be the final instalment of my holiday in the Philippines.

This is how i managed to get here…

5J 806 SIN-MNL Failed Salted Egg Dish! #Flashback
DG 6043 MNL-USU, New Aircraft! #Throwback
DG 6048 USU-MNL, Sad New Cheap Interior! You're Here!
5J 805 MNL-SIN, Nothing Fancy to talk about, No report

This is the outbound flight from our short holiday in Busuanga, Palawan. it was sad to leave this beautiful island, 4 days would be not enough to explore and enjoy the island.

It was 40 minutes drive from the Town proper to the Airport and the scenery along the road are picturesque, mostly green flieds, mountains and trees..

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Francisco Reyes Airport is a small domestic airport that can only accommodate small aircraft. When we reached the airport less than 2 hours from our STD. It was raining that time and makes difficult to wander around the area.

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Once you enter the terminal, there will be a initial security checks. followed by the check in counters. when we reached at the terminal, there is another flight ahead of us that is waiting for departure (if we knew that there is a another flight for manila ahead of us, we would ask if we can take that flight and be in manila earlier.) There were 2 queues at that time and moving steadily, we managed to get our printed thermal paper boarding pass in 20 minutes.

Check-in counter for CebGo, Sjyjet and PAL Express.
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After we managed to get our boarding pass, we decided to enter waiting area. Before that, we have to pay for a Terminal fee ($2-2.5, i forgot) then the final security check, which we manage to get through in no time. Then the waiting area.

After Security check…
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The waiting area and some shops on both sides…
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It was pretty crowded that time, there were still 2 flights ahead of us, 1 PAL Express flight bound for Cebu and CebGo for Manila also. As the terminal was full, many passengers were standing and waiting for the next seat to be available. Within 20 minutes PAL express plane departs for Cebu followed by DG flight from Manila and going back to Manila. There were no Air-conditioning unit at this airport, they only uses big industrial fan, good thing that it rains that afternoon to lower the humidity.

PAL Express head to Cebu and CebGo flight ahead of us (the same aircraft that flew us in)
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After 2 flights departed, we able to secure a seat, but the people are still coming in as another PAL express bound for manila will leave an hour after our flight. And Our Plane landed, after 20 minutes of turnaround preparation, Agents informed us that it will be ready for boarding soon, they announce that passengers seating at the front will board first followed by the rear section passengers. IM so excited that we will be utilising another new ATR 72-600 with registration C7282, few months younger that our inbound plane. Boarding commence just in time.

The terminal, Our bird flying us to Manila, a cute control tower and more photo of our plane… Agents reminds passenger to avoid taking photo along the tarmac to have a smooth and on time departure, and it seems no one listens.

As i stepped in the plane you can still smell and newness of the aircraft, clean and spotless and to my surprise another cabin interior, let me introduce the Expliseat's TiSeats E1 seat and they claims that they are the lightest seat.

As everyone settled in, Cabin Crew did the Safety demo while the aircraft aligning to the runway, then we took off. Goodbye beautiful island of Coron.

As in the middle of flight, im still exploring the new seat of DG's ATR…

As i explores the new Cabin Interior, my excitement subsides and disappointment came on, and my ranting begins. I was looking for a lever to recline my seat, there is none, the backseat is cannot be reclined. The seat is so cramped, it so uncomfortable that my knee touches the front seat, given the fact i was just 5"6' tall, what more if you have a longer legs, that would have been worst. There were the usual safety sheet and magazine at the back seat pocket, on this case i cannot say its a pockets as it cannot hold anything besides those 2 literatures. I tried to put my phone, it drops, thinking it will hold as my phone has a rubber casing. Then i tried to put my water bottle, still it slides on the rubber grip then i tried looking for a good spot to hold on it. prior to landing, the crew announces that do not put anything on the seat pocket, yeah cause you cannot put anything on it.

After reaching cruising altitude and seat beat sign switched off, cabin crew came to action. They offer their BOB food and beverages items, did not buy anything. Then followed by their signature game on board, i did not win the game tho.

And i continue to explore the Expliseat, there is a head rest and seems fine, but because of the seat's rounded design there are some parts of your head that don't have support and it already on its edges and making it uncomfortable to rest your head. Since the backseat cannot be reclined, im trying to do some position to make me feel at ease, then i notice that there is no cushion on the backseat, and it keeps me wonder, am i seating on a commercial plane or seat on a C130 cargo seat with seat cover. Then indeed, expliseat is the lightest weight on its category, based on their website it only weighs 4kg, 3kg for metal constructions, then the rest would be the thin cushion for seat and the rest will be seat cover.
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Another disappointment and cost cutting move that DG did was its window shades. it is made from a thick cloth or tarp, and the roll down shade is hard to pull up and down. Window shade is soft, as you can see on the photo when i try to put pressure on it.
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9 minutes after the scheduled arrival, we touch down at Manila Airport and taxied to Terminal 4. here are some aircraft that we passed along the way…
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And we parked in a slight remote area, but still a few walk from the terminal.

The backseat leather creases shows that there is no filling or cushion on it. Photos taken before we alight from the airplane.
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Some scene after disembarkation…

After a short walk, the entrance to the baggage counter. when we reach there, none of the bag are in the conveyor, since we dont have any checked-in luggage we immediately took an Uber and head back home.
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Bonus : Click here display

I may not have the best outbound flight experience, but it was one of the best days in my life. I definitely will go back and hopefully you could come to the Philippines to see it wonders.

MT Tapyas and overlooking the Coron Bay
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Maquinit Hot Spring
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Coron Bay just outside our Hostel
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Coron bay while on an island tour
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Malcapuya Island
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Bulog Dos Island
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snorkling at Syete Picados
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Kayangan view Point and Its lake
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Smith Beach
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the Twin Lagoon
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Baraccuda Lake
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these are the only few attraction that you could do in Coron, if i put all the photos, it would be too much for a flight report. hehehe

Thank you, and hope to share more with my future flight.

see yah!
See more



Cabin crew5.0
Buy-on-board menu3.0

Busuanga - USU


Manila - MNL



It was a roller coaster of emotion for me when i flew this flight. First, i was excited that im flying again. Im expecting a better and improved product since the aircraft is knew, however i was wrong, though it is really new, but the concept of it the opposite, its a new cabin interior but passengers comfort is compromised. With its lightweight seat, as a passengers it is uncomfortable to seat on a un-reclinable seat and resting your back on a hallow backseat with seat cover. I think that my money that i was spent on this fare is not worthy, i just top up some few dollars to experience a way better service that DG offers. I know that DG is a LCC but, it is way to below LCC's standars. I used to mock Air Asia's Leg room, but with DGs new expliseat, if im going to choose from these 2, i'll pick air asia without second thought. With DGs new ATR 72-600 with 2 different seat, ARMONIA slim seat is the winner vs the Expliseat E1 seat. Armonia seat is still on par on industries standards. Hope Cebu Pacific/CebGo choose the Armonia on their succeeding ATR order.



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