Review of Garuda Indonesia flight Semarang-Java Island Surabaya in Economy

Airline Garuda Indonesia
Flight GA367
Class Economy
Seat 8K
Flight time 01:15
Take-off 07 Jun 18, 16:05
Arrival at 07 Jun 18, 17:20
GA   #9 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 213 reviews
Eric V P
By 1748
Published on 11th July 2018
Report #37: GA367 - Joyride on the larger baby Garuda

This will be my report on flying on Garuda Indonesia economy class from Semarang SRG to Surabaya SUB, a short-haul intercity flight within Java island, on board their Bombardier CRJ-1000ER. This review will be also the second review of the new SRG terminal here (the first one was for the SUB-SRG flight by QG earlier), opened just the day before, so read on!

Here are the 12 parts of the trip:
KUL - CGK on KLM 777-300ER business class: Read here
CGK - SUB on Garuda Indonesia 737 MAX 8 economy class: Read here
SUB - SRG on Citilink A320-200 economy class: Read here
SRG - SUB on Garuda Indonesia CRJ-1000ER economy class: You are here
SUB - KJT on Citilink A320-200 economy class: Read here (first commercial flight to KJT)
KJT - SUB on Citilink A320-200 economy class: Read here (first commercial flight from KJT)
SUB - DPS on Garuda Indonesia 737-800 economy class: Read here
DPS - SIN on KLM 777-300ER economy class: Read here
SIN - DPS on Jetstar Airways A320 economy class: Read here
DPS - CGK on Lion Air 747-400 economy/business class: Read here
SUB - CGK on Garuda Indonesia 737 MAX 8 business class: Read here
CGK - SIN on Lion Air 737-900ER economy class: Read here


As much as I like spending time in SUB, one of the main goals for the first part of this trip (i.e. up to the DPS-SIN by KL) was to sample as many different offerings as possible within the GA group. Therefore, I decided to fill the afternoon with a roundtrip to sample GA's regional product at least once.

It was a very close contest between flying on GA's AT7 to Banyuwangi BWX and back on the exact same plane and QG's 320 to SRG and back to SUB by GA's CRK, I opted for the latter mainly out of the dangerously close connecting time in BWX, but also flying to SRG would allow me to revisit the town after a while (note that as mentioned in my previous report I had not heard of the SRG new terminal before so that was out of the equation).

The prorated fare after OTA discount came at Rp653.000 (US$46), which while steep wasn't entirely unjustified due to the unique product.
photo qg800 ga367 07062018 receipt

The fare class was also high enough to allow me to choose all seats, so I was torn between the ex-business class seat (which are basically Y seat with extra pitch, slightly better cushioning, and a plastic partition separating it from Y proper) or the emergency exit row seat. I then opted for the last row of the ex-business class seat.
photo ga367 07062018 seat map

Trip to SRG and check-in

The road on the way to the new SRG terminal is different from the one used to reach the old terminal as both terminals are on the opposing sides of the airport.
photo 20180607_144202

Just like in most other Indonesian airports, merely reaching the pick-up/drop-off would already mean paying for the airport parking fee.
photo 20180607_144326

The car I rode on happened to be right behind the BRT I used earlier to leave SRG.
photo 20180607_144421

As only one of the roads was activated, there were some jams leading to the kerbside.
photo 20180607_144610

Around 5 minutes later I reached the kerbside.
photo 20180607_145233

Later on there would be a marching band at the kerbside by the Navy as part of the opening ceremony - too bad I was unable to see the ceremony in full.
photo 20180607_150945

There were a lot of wreaths with congratulatory messages for the airport terminal opening.
photo 20180607_145243

And by that, I mean really a lot of them.
photo 20180607_145237

The terminal feature a large water installation around the public area and check-in hall, which coupled with the land being previously swamps made the airport previously nicknamed by the local media as the airport above water.
photo 20180607_151508

The queue to the public area building. Also note the metal detector, which wasn't usually there, due to the terminal opening ceremony.
photo 20180607_145435

The initial security involved only a bag check for those with bags.
photo 20180607_145540

Those with smaller bags or no bag can subject themselves to a simpler manual check.
photo 20180607_145637

Some reporters were taking photos of the security officer screening the bag using X-ray machine, so I did that as well.
photo 20180607_151609

The public area mainly consisted of a couple of eateries.
photo 20180607_145707

On the way to the check-in area to the right side is the dedicated security and check-in counters for users of the terminal's sole lounge, which as I inquired was mostly reserved for priority banking customers from some Indonesian banks though for that day was reserved for the VIP.
photo 20180607_145753

Beside the lounge entrance some seats were found with covered power plugs between those seats.
photo 20180607_151834

To the left is the water installation continuing further.
photo 20180607_151804

A couple of seats with a vie w of the check-in hall and sloped walkway to the transit area.
photo 20180607_151807

I then entered the check-in hall, which was quite crowded.
photo 20180607_145844

There were a bit of queue on GA's check-in counters.
photo 20180607_145910photo 20180607_150245

The same couldn't be said for JT group (Indonesians' favourite airline group), which saw a more significant queue.
photo 20180607_150209

Check-in was done in 3 minutes. During that time I checked bag as well as confirmed the seat and checked the load for the day, which was respectable.
photo 20180607_150606

Ticket check was conducted after check-in.
photo 20180607_151930

I then went to the security, which took me a good 2 minutes to clear.
photo 20180607_152009

The security was so messed up virtually everybody got patted down, which considerably slowed down the security and resulted in some queue behind. When I asked why to the security officer, he said that it was due to the metal detector being set much more sensitive for the second security, which I found nonsense as there lies a difference between reasonable amount of metal (e.g. metal zipper on a jeans) passing through and an inordinate amount of it worthy of pat down.
photo 20180607_152325

SRG transit area and departure

After the security it was a walk down the glass walkway before the sloped walkway to the departure level.
photo 20180607_152340

As the airport had just opened, there were still a few people stationed whose task was to wish travellers a safe trip.
photo 20180607_152400photo 20180607_152412

After the first half of the ascent there was a sloped moving walkway, but still there was no elevator available.
photo 20180607_152441photo 20180607_152452

There was still no store between the security and waiting area.
photo 20180607_152515photo 20180607_152517

FIDS of the afternoon all the way to early morning the day after.
photo 20180607_152527

It was a choice between turning left for domestic flights or further straight for international flights.
photo 20180607_152552

The empty counters were guarded by someone sitting between the counters.
photo 20180607_152617

It was a short walk further through the proposed retail area.
photo 20180607_152631

The waiting room was quite crowded and had few power plugs.
photo 20180607_152722

The terminal wasn't especially wide as it was only designed with 3 aerobridges.
photo 20180607_152725photo 20180607_152729

A couple of eateries and a minimarket could be seen in the waiting area.
photo 20180607_152754photo 20180607_152759

At the third floor lies the lounge (which I discussed earlier before check-in), though as it was guarded for the VIPs I decided not to look further.
photo 20180607_152923

GA's 738 preparing for departure to CGK.
photo 20180607_153048

JT's 739ER and ID's 320
photo 20180607_154301

I then slept a while and afterwards realized that my flight was already on last call, so I made my way to the queue-free boarding gate and was let through.
photo 20180607_165127

It was a downward escalator ride not unlike during the arrival to the apron.
photo 20180607_165130

GA's 738 from below.
photo 20180607_165245

The plane for the late afternoon was PK-GRL, a 5 years old CRK.
photo 20180607_165249

Boarding was done with stairs and additional cover.
photo 20180607_165321

On board

Flight: GA367
Plane: PK-GRL
STD/ATD: 16.05/~
STA/ATA: 17.20/~
Load factor: 88%Y (85/96)
Seat type: Standard economy class (ex-business class window seat)
Details: ~

After I was welcomed, I proceeded to the cabin.
photo 20180607_165333

The ex-business class cabin would turn completely full during the flight.
photo 20180607_165345

Apart from the slightly wider-looking seat and possibly better pitch, there is no apparent difference compared with the economy class proper.
photo 20180607_170100

My home for the next 1 hour, located at the last row of the ex-business class cabin. One way to determine the class is by the antimacassar - it would be a thin one in turquoise for economy class and a thick, cotton one in burgundy red for business class.
photo 20180607_165414

Seat tour: the seat pitch was quite generous for a regional jet, albeit with my portable battery in it became a bit tighter.
photo 20180607_165511photo 20180607_170919

The seat belt tongue was interestingly thicker than the ones found on 738.
photo 20180607_165556

The seat was quite well-padded, which was appreciated
photo 20180607_165915

A coat hook was also available.
photo 20180607_174315

Contents in the seat pocket include the inflight magazine and shopping catalogue.
photo 20180607_170251photo 20180607_170307

A safety card was also present, which was in good condition.
photo 20180607_170254

The view from my seat before pushback.
photo 20180607_165448

As the CRK doesn't have any TV on board, the safety demonstration was manually done.
photo 20180607_170627

Some views of the PSU.
photo 20180607_171234photo 20180607_171241

Me on the seat. Note the squeeze between my head and the shoulder and the side panel.
photo 20180607_171531

A special view of the day: Indonesia's Air Force One in the form of a 73H.
photo 20180607_171740

IN's AT7 and GA's 738 were about to depart first.
photo 20180607_171907

GA's 738 lifted off.
photo 20180607_172617photo 20180607_172621

After GA's 738 and IN's AT7 took off, QG's 320 arrived first before we departed.
photo 20180607_173244

We then made our way south to the end of the runway to turn around.
photo 20180607_173610

The old terminal, which had just been closed.
photo 20180607_173651

The video of the takeoff can be watched below. Note the especially quiet engine of the CRK.

Afterwards it was a right turn to the east where we flew north of Semarang.
photo 20180607_174013photo 20180607_174021

The view during cruise.
photo 20180607_174412

A snack box was soon distributed
photo 20180607_174621

The inside of the box.
photo 20180607_174645

The content inside the box unpacked.
photo 20180607_174722photo 20180607_175042

The snack service for the late afternoon consisted of:
Savoury bread: Bread with minced chicken filling and sesame seeds
Sweet bread: Pineapple cake
Drink: Mineral water

While it was nothing out of the ordinary (and GA being GA was also rather stingy on the bread filling), on overall both breads tasted decent and was appropriate for the distance. Note the lack of drink rounds due to the short duration.

Some views during the cruise, which mostly followed the Java island's northern coast.
photo 20180607_175439photo 20180607_175630

I then visited the lavatory, which as expected on a regional jet was cramped (note the gap between my head and the ceiling).
photo 20180607_175752

The closet was fortunately clean as few people got to use it.
photo 20180607_175807

Unlike those on the mainline fleet, the lavatory still used blue water to flush.
photo 20180607_175909

On board sales then commenced. While I didn't take any photo of that, I found the flight attendants, who were UPG-based, to be rather talkative and even went as far as recommending some of the items for me despite the short flight length - too bad I didn't buy any as I preferred to spend them on flights than souvenirs (plus, the only trace for the entire trip are 2 passport stamps) :p

We soon descended towards SUB.
photo 20180607_180216

The expressway leading to Surabaya.
photo 20180607_181216

Passed by the bridge from Krian to Sepanjang.
photo 20180607_181515

Then it was through the densely occupied area near the airport.
photo 20180607_181801

Situation in the cabin during short final.
photo 20180607_181806

MZ's maintenance facility as well as the graveyard for its planes.
photo 20180607_181814

Landing was smooth and we made our way to the terminal 2.
photo 20180607_181854

We were parked beside GA's -GNV.
photo 20180607_182255

A much clearer view of the economy class proper seat.
photo 20180607_182503

One last view of the cabin during the deplaning.
photo 20180607_182721

Last but not least, a photo with the crew of the day. As I was the last to deplane, the photo was taken by the ground staff.
photo 20180607_182906 1

After thanking the flight attendants I then made my way out. Here are some last views of the CRK.
photo 20180607_182927photo 20180607_182939

Arrival at SUB and post-arrival trip

I made my way by foot to the arrival hall since it was close from the parking stand.
photo 20180607_182958

As it was almost breakfasting period for many Muslims, the airport provided complimentary snacks. Though I wasn't fasting, I decided to take one for the sake of the review.
photo 20180607_183028

The breakfasting service provided by the airport consisted of the following (note the flipped order as it was once suggested to break the fast with sweeter items first):
Fruit: Date
Dessert: Pudding
Snack: Mini egg murtabak
Drink: Mineral water
photo 20180607_183211

The luggage claim area was quite quiet.
photo 20180607_183049

My bag arrived soon afterwards.
photo 20180607_183523

I then made my way to the public area.
photo 20180607_183602

Afterwards it was a short walk to the kerbside, where I walked further to reach the motorbike parking for the motorcycle taxi.
photo 20180607_183757
See more


Garuda Indonesia

Cabin crew9.0

Semarang-Java Island - SRG


Surabaya - SUB



GA provided an especially pleasant experience on the short ride from SRG to SUB, although the high fare made it challenging to fly with them more often. Compared with the CGK-based crew earlier on the CGK-SUB route, the UPG-based flight attendants were found to be less reserved and in some way more attentive, which is also appreciated. In terms of the airports, SRG's new terminal wasn't particularly bad apart from the messy security and sheer crowd, while SUB terminal 2 was a breeze to get through.

On overall, I would definitely fly with GA again provided that they reduce the fare to a more reasonable level.

Some thing done well for the trip (airports):
+ Fast check-in at SRG
+ Acceptable security at SRG
+ Modern terminal at SRG
+ Fast luggage claim at SUB

Some thing done well for the trip (on board):
+ Modern cabin
+ Acceptable legroom
+ Snack service provision
+ Friendly flight attendant
+ Clean lavatory

Things that can be improved (airports):
- Crowd at SRG
- Metal detector sensitivity at SRG
- Lack of retail options at SRG
- Lack of reasonably priced transport option at SUB

Things that can be improved (on board):
- Expensive price (Rp653.000 (US$46))
- High load factor
- Bread filling quantity



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