Review of Lufthansa flight Moscow Frankfurt in Premium Eco

Airline Lufthansa
Flight LH1441
Class Premium Eco
Seat 18K
Aircraft Airbus A330-300
Flight time 03:25
Take-off 31 Jul 18, 12:50
Arrival at 31 Jul 18, 15:15
LH   #69 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 1598 reviews
By 1671
Published on 22nd November 2018
Hello to everybody!
This is my first post here, basically I write reviews on the Russian website Airlines Inform(click the name). So I decided to get some experience here and I wanna show to you the review of Moscow to Frankfurt flight. It was a part of my Italian and German voyage. This flight was dedicated to the FIFA 2018 World Cup and 31st of July was the last date of its existence. Usual daily flights are operated by A320/321, for flights LH1440/1441 A330-300 was used. As a result, I got some luck because of being the last LH1441 flight passenger. So let's go on!

Departure from Moscow-Domodedovo

The fastest way to reach the airport is Aeroexpress. Tickets cost 420 RUB on its personal website and 500 RUB in the ticket desks situated on the railways stations where these trains depart(currency rate changes so the interval is approximately 5.5..7 EUR). Trains to Domodedovo start from Paveleckaya railway station, time to destination is 45 min.

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Interior view. S7 Ad is everywhere even in the trains going to other airports(S7 is based in Domodedovo).

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Because of eternal renovation and new terminals construction you should go through the street. I consider this moment to be one of the biggest Domodedovo's problems..
The exterior view:

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Sometimes the main hall is overcrowded, that morning wasn't an exception. On the pic where you don't see anybody the part of new zone for russian flights arrivals is captured.

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Lufthansa Group check-in desks. Here I got boarding passes for Moscow-Frankfurt and Frankfurt-Turin flights.

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Actually for each flight I download the mobile pass but in Russia you hafta print it. The person from the staff leaves several stamps on your paper pass. As far as I know, obligatory presence of the usual pass is directly connected with the russian legislation.

So on the second level you can see such views. Yeah, including that railway terminal which isn't fully completed..

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In the balcony the exhibition dedicated to some unusual natural places in Russia is situated:

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Moreover the visitors may see the model of the plane hanging over the international arrivals zone:

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I had enough time for visiting the domestic departure gallery so went slightly the end of this terminal part.

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At this point you may have rather good opportunities for traffic capturing. Mainly the largest Domodedovo's carriers planes parked at the domestic gates.

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This is the international sector where I should go for further formalities.

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The formalities took little time in spite of big people masses.

The interior of int'l zone is almost the similar to the previous one..

But actually there’s small number of real places for spotting. I don’t castigate the airport designers for this moment but spotters will be dissapointed..(

Some plane photos from international zone. Now I can make an important announcement here: Uzbekistan Airways moved its Moscow service to Vnukovo airport. So this photo may be considered as a historical one?

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In some period of time I found our A330, the type I hadn’t ever flown before. Well, I was sure it would be a nice experience☺️

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It was a 13-year D-AIKE. Here you see a second business class cabin and after that premium eco zone is situated. My seat was 18K:)

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Each passenger gets the sleeping set and brand headphones. The quality of headphones is rather good, the only dissapointment was inability to take them from a plane:(

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As you may see, the width is normal. Regarding the seat pitch, I can say the same. I think the last parameter is something greater than just “normal”? But we have a deal with premium econom seats, the small pitch here would be estimated as a mockery..

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Luggage compartments are long and capable, the panel seems me usual for these types, without any design delicacies (but as you know, it was my first flight on A330, maybe somewhere I’m deeply mistaken, correct me if necessary).

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The pocket of the front seat was filled with Lufthansa magazines, safety instruction and waste bag.

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All seats are equipped with the individual entertainment system. Its screen is absolutely awful. And the problem isn’t in partially broken glass on this screen. Look! It’s completely nice mirror. Maybe it would be nice if I woke up in the morning and went to make an image of slick chick using for example the lipstick, eyebrow brushes, foundations and other similar items. But..the sex doesn’t let. Sorry, I wanted to say it would be difficult to see something on this screen during the flight because of sun rays shining through the cabin. In my humble opinion, it’s better to use mat screens..But who cares here?)
That’s why I say everybody “hello” using this superb mirror;)
But seriously it's 100% downside of this IFE.

Taxing was delayed and started at the planned departure time..Here you may see the photos of DME's "inhabitants" and guests. Looking at the last photo you may notice IL-96 belonged to Domodedovo Airlines. It had been standing here since the moment of bankrupcy in 2009 and on 12th November this plane was removed to Zhukovsky airport.

The link below is a take-off video

And..leaving DME with quiet and smooth engines roar for 11 days:

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In-flight time

Firstly I decided to entertain myself with IFE. Here is enough material for scrutinizing.

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Commonly, the system has big number of various applications..So various that nothing to diversify more. Music, films, books, games, scientific videos about plane production(one of these photos contains the moment from such video about A350) everything is available. Full review of this system is impossible for such period of time..
The speed of making decisions could be realized better. I colluded with several bugs but they were automatically fixed by the system. Interaction with the system is realized by touching the screen and pressing special buttons on partition.

Soon I felt the food smell..So let's see what LH offers on 3-hour flight.

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Here the salade is hidden under the label, I apologize. Main dish was given in 2 variants: chicken with polenta and something that was called "pasta". I think that the rule for Lufhthansa flights is "Take pasta or something like pasta and don't regret about this decision". Certainly, it was really tasty. In the beverage service water, juices, soft drinks and alcohol were included.

After the dinner I had a small walk in economy-class cabin. At the same time I went for discussing an opportunity of viewing the cockpit. Actually in small planes I don't do this procedure because there I usually go past the pilot cabin and visit it without any agreement with cabin crew. In A330 you've to overcome two cabines of business, I don't think this idea to be approved without preliminary details discussion. That's small coincidence but I was solving this question with the only Russian stewardess on board:)

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The 2:40-hour flight in premium-economy seat was too easy and fast. Several times of eye blinking and then you contemplate descending to Frankfurt, nice cloudy views and the downtown

Here is a video of landing

Arrival was on time but taxing here could't be a short process at all..

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So take deserved photo of cockpit, thank cabin crew for nice flight and go to the connecting flights zone, Turin waits me!)

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Arrival to Frankfurt airport, T1

Our plane was stood near the gate Z69, it meant I would have the longest walking way to the passport control..

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While moving sometimes I just stopped and looked on 388 and 748. The last one I hadn't seen before in real life.

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The next flight will be served in B-zone so I take direction to the local train..
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..and implement several minutes voyage from one sector to another:

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Finally I found too long line near the passport control. I spent here 30 minutes. If you have 1,5-hour break, this moment can complicate completing your holy mission of getting your next plane but my second flight had 1-hour delay. That's why everything was absolutely clear and brilliant.

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So thanks for reading, this post was like a test for me, maybe I'll publish other parts if I manage to find the time for it:)
Apologize for phone's quality of photo, now I use a normal camera.
Good and cloudless flights, worthy airlines to travel!
See in next reviews!
See more



Cabin crew9.0

Moscow - DME


Frankfurt - FRA



Lufthansa showed rather good level of service. There was too rare aircraft type on Moscow flights, flights LH1440/1441 were popular among the tourists because of good departure time from DME and wide choice of connecting flights. Finally I can report that Lufthansa is pretty attractive variant for flying from Russia to Europe via FRA/MUC(return flight was from MUC). First experience with LH can be considered as a successful one:)



If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 476868 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Comments
    Hi Vadimk99, thanks for sharing your first report here with us! I'm glad you decided to post on this site in English as it's a very interesting report. Very cool that you were able to get on the last A330 LH flight during the World Cup. I guess BA is the only Western European airline regularly flying widebodies to Russia--if they even still do, i'm not sure. LH's Premium Economy product is pretty nice, though you're right that the IFE screens are too reflective. If you can take IFE selfies, they're too reflective, haha. Plus it's annoying because you have to close the window all the way to watch a movie and, as an AvGeek, I like to look out the window at the same time.

    Looking forward to future reports! Welcome to Flight-Report!
    • Comment 476871 by
      VadimK99 AUTHOR 12 Comments
      Hi, KévinDC!
      Thanks for debut’s celebrations, marks for review and comment in general!
      Regarding BA, on summer season they put different types like B788/9, B772/77W, on winter season there’re A321 only.
      I agree with each word about IFE;) So I’l try to modify my blog here and leave more reviews here.
      Thanks again for a comment!
  • Comment 476891 by
    wop 345 Comments
    Hi, welcome here and thank you for this very good review!
  • Comment 476922 by
    KL651 TEAM 4535 Comments
    Spassibo for this first FR and welcome !
    Did LH charge more for this premium Y seat or could you just pick that seat at check in ?
    On this medium haul flight where many choose to keep their window open, the high reflectivity of the screen is really a problem.
    Decent catering, very similar to what you'd get on a long haul flight, I wonder if this has to do with the A330 as I don't remember a FR on Lh to Russia with that same catering.
    Is the IL96 that you took a picture of, the one that recently flew again after 10 years ?
    • Comment 476955 by
      VadimK99 AUTHOR 12 Comments
      Thanks for a comment!
      I paid approximately 15€ for upgrade to Premium Y and it was like payment for the fixed seat in cabin. But at the last so you the difference.
      Yeah, that IL-96 flew after 10 years of standing and it was the last IL-96 in Domodedovo:)
    • Comment 476962 by
      VadimK99 AUTHOR 12 Comments
      Sorry, missed the phrase, I meant that at the last time you should have paid ~160-165€ plus to your usual Y class price. That’s the normal difference;)
  • Comment 496752 by
    Pilpintu TEAM 1006 Comments
    Hi, Vadimk99!

    A belated welcome to!

    I'm reading all your reports because I missed them for some inexplicable reason.

    I really enjoyed this first report with lots of details and clearly explained. It was like I was travelling in your place. Who knows. One day I might visit Domodedovo.

    Спасибо, что поделился :)
    • Comment 496768 by
      VadimK99 AUTHOR 12 Comments
      Hi, Nechus!
      Thanks for this response! I enjoy the fact you’re pleased with my reports so l’ll try to support this level.
      Additionally thanks for Russian, ha-ha. Answering back to that phrase: “пожалуйста» ))

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