Review of Air France Hop flight Brest Paris in Economy

Airline Air France Hop
Flight AF7361
Class Economy
Seat 1A
Flight time 01:45
Take-off 16 Aug 18, 07:10
Arrival at 16 Aug 18, 08:55
AF   #48 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 1005 reviews
By 142
Published on 31st December 2018
BESMRS flute which recurs… yes but you know me by force, the route and the FR are not worthy of the biggest names of the site… and then the pictures are not my strong suit.

- No exoticism Mogoyesque (like a Tehran - Mullah-land in B 707 prison with MiB in it to make Will Smith look like a garden gnome and Nicolas Cage like his sidekick),
- No statistics bordering on the law of large Marathon numbers (like a Roissy - Arlanda RER-style A320 whose board occupations will be catering origami and the testing of all the special menus available),
- No Okapian recklessness in the search for the most twisted Skyteamesque combinations on Paris Milan with an espresso ristretto on arrival and smuggled sausage in the hold,
- No decadence of the "gang of 4" with an experimental world tour in Première with 257 varieties of Champagne on 39 companies with 26 different types of equipment… 28 lounges and not to mention the 18 kinds of zero-rated caviar :)

No, it's basically pure French-French domestic Y by Air France.
I know it sends a dream right away!

Except it's bibi, so if there's a postponement it's because there's something to postpone!

The reason for the routing.

Well, I'm on holiday (on paper at least, in practice I had to complete 3 files (plus a few other things) before last Friday which were sent to me on Friday itself, so in practice I'm not on holiday yet… one day I'd have to explain to my boss - glory be given back to him - that leave is not equal to half-time). I'm not going alone to the other end of France leaving my little family, it's actually the other way around: the family coming.
Except that the great-grandmother (who is approaching 90 years old with a good eye) cannot travel alone by plane. Even if Air France offers it (a partner comes to pick up the pax at home, helps them close their homes, takes them to the drop-off and then entrusts them to the stopover for further processing), my little finger tells me that it will be complicated.
So brave as I am, I'm going to look for the great-grandmother who lives in Provence and then bring her back (and then it'll still be some XP for the good cause).

The basic routing therefore appears to be purely utilitarian: BES-MRS-BES (it's okay, you've understood the reason for the nickname? :))… Except that…

Bonus : Click here display

When to go there…

Well this morning, the alarm clock must have rung several times before the left eyelid decided to play the opening. Arrival at the airport around 6:45 am, at the same time as the crew.

Head to the Skymediocrity counter to ask to advance to row 1 if possible.
One person in front, 45 seconds later it's my turn…. I present my request to the very polite clerk.
The answer was as short as it was clear: No, sorry, sir, the centering requires neutralizing these rows, sorry, have a good flight…

Knowing pertinently at that moment that there is a 50% chance that Hop will think I'm a congenital retarded hamhead on this one….

Come on, let's go upstairs, honey! For lack of 7th heaven, we will be satisfied with PIF gadget.
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Ze PIF de la muerte

With the help of summer hours, the PIF is clear.
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I take this opportunity to move forward… in the absence of an attendant! Except that theoretically you can't enter without checking the PO or DGAC card. 3 meters further the return attendant, looking surprised, will see me hand him my BP on the phone with all my stuff ready in the bin… and the relieved look that I am not affiliated with any illegal pharmacy (the knights of the Finisterian Apocalypse, Corsica one day, Corsica still, etc.)

And then, oh miracle of creation, "Mrs. Jefaislagueule", who for the past 5 years has been limited to a systematic and all-military tight hello, has a radiant smile and asks me immediately "Hello, sir, it's good to see you again, are you all right? "… yeah, it was a holiday or what?)

I still beep twice for the random check (I'm still negative, you'd have to put Semtex under my nails one day to laugh) and 2 minutes later here I am in the place symbolizing the decadence of the Roman Empire, the temple of the Balik of the temple merchants, the Mecca of the LPGS and the Krug crystal: the airside area of Brest.

Curiously enough, the non-Schengen area is closed so that customs can invest it at a later date. Does it smell like a holiday flight?

Well the child area is empty….
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
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The Okapi break
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Let's go see the western end of the Skate…

The beast of the day
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General view from the Far West (or west lighthouse in Breton yoghurt)
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There are some curious things there….

Enough to train with a telescopic footbridge
photo 20180816_07050554photo 00000

Traces of a regular and somewhat unusual user of the tarmac
photo 0002
and yes F-RAJA and F-RAJB often come to the area….

Buster Keaton's van is hiding
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The closed door which, if it were open, would allow connections to be made without PIF-bis
photo 20180816_070413

Damn it, we're getting on board and late!
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It is not raining (well, no more)!
photo 20180816_071644

The authorized target! 6A
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Except that you will notice that 2 D and 2 F are occupied by a PMR and his companion. The probability is proven: Hop it's still screwing with me.

During the boarding we will take a tour of the owner

The pitch
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The moment I'm small but I treat my claustrophobia in an A380…..
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The 5F is busy, rows 2 to 4 are also filling up… Melon and Ham, the trip to France by Air France?

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Re-ouch and the magic button to raise the aisle armrest
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We approach the last pax when "Mr. Strong" arrives aka 6 C so my direct neighbour. I don't know anything about this gentleman but his 130 kilometres will clearly be a problem in a CRK…

His wife is in 5 D and spontaneously offered to come to 6A so as not to be embarrassed by her husband (I am very pleasantly surprised).

I'm not saying no… and then the PIL comes. I therefore went to meet the CC who informed me that boarding was not completed. At the indication of my error because I had seen the PIL coming, it marks a hesitation. Two pax late later, I'm allowed to change places.

It will therefore be Justice (with a capital J) and my servant will take his place in the august 1A!

But for "centering" reasons, only two paxes will be allowed to go forward (we are close to the Air Force One protocol)… including bibi?

Breton weather (it has dropped 3 minutes)
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The pitch is immediately better….
photo 20180816_073314

We drive, line up and screw Orly!!!!!

The ceiling is low!!!!!
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Not bad

Then came the tragedy of the century: a workplace accident in flight.
Bibi will work when his red pen runs away. So I go to the toilet, red hand in front.
Seeing me arrive the CC becomes pale wondering why and how! Are we going to have to land in St-Brieuc, in Rennes? An EVASAN? Is there a doctor on board, an undertaker, an embalmer? To my spontaneous indication on the cause of the thing and the access required to the sink, he will be reassured, orf we missed the drama of the year…

Work + survival kit……
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From 27 grams
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We are not alone
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Ah, Mogoy's gentlemanly mansion…
photo 20180816_083034

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We can clearly distinguish the former Seals line (then PO) and the former State road via Gallardon overhanging the rest of the viaduct

It seems that the whole world envies us our Silicon tray forgives our Silicon tray
photo 20180816_083620

The former headquarters of Microsoft France, in the shape of a butterfly
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Basically Paris
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We are coming: Skyteamchc and Nicobcn's plane (F-HBNG) is boarding
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The almost instant Danette
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The PIF pass door is closed on this side.
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In comparison to the other side
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And yes, no choice.
photo 20180816_084831

And we'll meet again for the rest… in the public area!
photo 20180816_084949
See more


Air France Hop

Cabin crew7.0

Brest - BES


Paris - ORY



A domestic flight in CRK.
A priori the banal without interest which is purely utilitarian even if some adventures annoy the frequent traveller....

Information on the route Brest (BES) Paris (ORY)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 29 avis concernant 7 compagnies sur la ligne Brest (BES) → Paris (ORY).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est Air France avec 7.5/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 1 heures et 15 minutes.

  More information


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