Review of Air France flight Marseille Paris in Economy

Airline Air France
Flight AF7663
Class Economy
Seat 12B
Aircraft Airbus A320
Flight time 01:30
Take-off 22 Aug 18, 10:35
Arrival at 22 Aug 18, 12:05
AF   #29 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 5971 reviews
By 221
Published on 31st December 2018
Promised and due, this is the next step…

A brief reminder of the routing:

August 16, 2018 - AF 7361 - 07 :10 BES - 08 :55 ORY - CRK (operated by A5, sold under AF) in Y
August 16, 2018 - AF 6010 - 11 :10 ORY - 12 :30 MRS - A320 (operated by AF, sold under A5) in Y
August 16, 2018 - A5 6433 - 18:55 MRS - 20:30 BES - A320 (operated by AF, sold under A5) in Y - not deferred

August 21, 2018 - A5 6432 - 21 :25 BES - 23 :00 MRS - A320 (operated by AF, sold under A5) in Y - not deferred
August 22, 2018 - AF 7669 - 09:35 MRS - 11:05 CDG - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in Y -cf explanation below
August 22, 2018 - AF 7663 - 10:35 MRS - 12:05 CDG - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in Y - this is it
August 22, 2018 - FY 1780 - 13:25 CDG - 13:45 LHR - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) on D
August 22, 2018 - FY 1781 - 15:50 LHR - 18:05 CDG - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) on D
August 22, 2018 - FY 7732 - 21:50 CDG - 23:00 BES - - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in Y

The flight Brest-Marseille (A5 6432)
This flight (A5 6432) will not be postponed. Insured by F-HBNI, an A320 version ironing boards (a thought for those who suffered it during a Marseille Beirut the next day), it will leave 10 minutes late to arrive 10 minutes early… The crew was very friendly and pleasant, the rest is current for domestic night flight….
Note a strict respect of boarding priorities (at the same time we were 2) which, in Brest, is to be noted. Indeed, generally, agents call Sky priority passengers, those with children, those seated in rows 15 and following at the same time to board from the beginning. In short, half the cell is killed.

The Yellow Peril, Season 2, Episode 1
The car rental company will do the same thing to me as the week before: " yes sir, we've been around the vehicle and it's perfect, like new. " Except that it has a damaged door, wing and bumper (just that). No problem to complete it but the impression of being a pigeon to cover someone is confirmed.
Moreover, my status with them is still not paid and my loyalty points are not properly managed…
For a first contact, it's VERY bad….

The flight Marseille-Roissy by AF/A5
Once my vehicle is returned (at 8:13 a.m. dixit the receipt), I go to terminal 1B of Marseille Provence airport. Before it was halls 3 and 4 (doors 30 and 40) of terminal 1… or the art of making new with old (and then mp² becomes terminal 2). Let's talk about terminal 3 at Roissy (ex-T0 then T9 then T3)?

Direct passage of the PIF via priority access and arrival in the boarding room: 50 seconds!

And then stupor, horror, hell and damnation.

My flight of 09:35 is delayed to 10:50 am; since I was supposed to arrive at 11:05 am at Terminal 2F and then take flight AF 1780 from 1:25 pm to London it might get tense.

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Except Flightradar confirms to me that F-GRXK is still on the ground at Roissy. In short, even if the ground does some prowess, it will get hot and boiling.

But now it's too early to ask questions…

Let's go to Hall 3.

Hold Hall 2 is in non-Schengen configuration….
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View from Hall 3
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I love architects who design buildings for PMR: they should be required to live in a wheelchair for 15 days!
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The "border"… which is as strict as it is easy to get around! (should I mention the possibility of passing for a child behind the "duty-free" shop from one area to another)…

A border that is waterproof to the Marseillaise…. make the schnouf pass through!
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A little bit of local fauna
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As the living room is without toilets, let's go to the PIF of Hall 3 to find this…
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State of cleanliness in the Provençal style; for Marseille, it was clean!!!!!! For a Swiss man, certainly not!
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Ah the joys of ERP regulation (establishment receiving the public).
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The airport is classified in 1st category with the addition of the ICPE statutes (classified installation for the protection of the environment) subject to prior authorization and public inquiry, airport open to mixed international traffic (therefore ministerial authorization), derogatory constructibility zone (hence PEB, OIN, etc.).), aquifer constraint (hence prefectoral authorization under the Water Act after public inquiry), customs zone (hence DGDDI investigation), aviation security zone (here it is the DGAC), restricted access zone (cuckoo the Gendarmerie), flight test area (thank you Airbus, recoucou the DGAC, the Ministry and Eurocontrol), border area (cuckoo the national police), zone with derogatory parking regulations (Region and municipality) to state police status (recoucou the national police)…. should I continue? :)

In French it is called "usine à gaz"…

b]The misnamed VIP lounge aka "chicken coop"

Well, go to the Salon… for good!

Outside view of the exhibition
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My first selection (it being specified that the press is to be consulted on site).
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No small bottles to take away, Kriek (good but not at this time of day), pastries mostly overbaked… but a competitive coffee machine: o)

Direction the boarding gate to go to the news….

Proof that Marignane's windows can be washed
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All right, it was Marseille-style: we go under the load, there is no indication of limit height, nor any compliant signage…. so what?

Arrival at the door… delayed delay… hold on!

I am therefore calling the Plutonium line to request a postponement on flight AF 7663 at 10:35 a.m., which is announced on time.
After 5 minutes of waiting (scandal, shoot me the people in charge on the spot!) I come across a very polite interlocutor, to whom I expose my problem. She doesn't tell me anything about it, but she has to look. It notes that, since the flights are on two different PNRs, it is not up to AF to make this change since the fare classes are not the same.
I just had to remind him that the schedules are contractual and that consequently, if I had to change my tickets behind, it would ultimately be at Air France's expense (and a free round trip in a J full pot, it's good for my flying blue account).
After an exchange with a supervisor, agreement in principle except that… only the AF teams on site now have control over the files as soon as a pax has passed the PIF…
I will therefore find an agent at an office isolated from AF customer service (thus avoiding the crowd at the door who were there for the same reason as me) to whom I am exposing my case. No problem except that the flight is complete…. because of the ongoing reroutings.
Anyway, he suggests that I go to the lounge and come back 30 minutes before the end of the 10:35 flight to see if anything has changed since then

Re-direction of the Salon
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My second selection
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It can still be used
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b]Back to the Door box…
To the intermediate step of customer service: a big smile, a helping hand and Tada!
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Except that sequence 182 on an Airbus 320 with 178 seats… it means either 4 jumpseats, or 4 denied boarding… there will be tragedies (but at 250 euros the tragedy to leave on the flight before which is late there are worse….considering what will follow!).

The crowd at the boarding: many metalized statuses….
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As I have to box it somewhere, here is the minute of general knowledge….

Bonus : Click here display

Jetbridge: the orange peril!
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The moment carries
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A shot fuselage ersatz
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Monique: the comeback

A rather cold welcome for the crew to whom I am exposing my short-coach situation, obviously I am disturbing… The CC will leave an impression of distance and coldness (I can't say haughty even if it was frankly very limited). Conversely, the mid-cabin steward will be almost too familiar: the contrast is striking! Well, it doesn't go well!!!!!

Well, it's CDG and ironing boards….

Monique is back, Monique is back, (bis)….

Good even if it means taking a place in the back….. Nice surprise from the ground! Thank you!!!!
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Good in the middle, though! But in war as in war….

Here the late is finally here….
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Hey, is there a pokémon under the nose wheel?
photo pokemon

Second drama of the morning… the latecomer leaves almost empty before us!!!!!!
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And yes, flight AF 7663 will postpone at 10:58 and arrive at 12:08 while ours will postpone at 10:59 and arrive at 12:11…

All this because boarding has been managed in the Marseille style: nearly three quarters of the paxes have two, three or four cabin luggage, often of dimensions that tickle the gauge from the outside?
All unfiltered and pushed like lemons into the cell! in short, you have to put everything in… and it will take time. I am thinking of the family who arrived at the end of boarding with a baby, 4 bags and a stroller. They will fit everything without the help of the crew in a few rows. The announcements on board will remind you of the time requirement and then… 30 seconds later… the matching paxes!

In the end, we're just leaving behind the one we had an hour ago and still late!

Take-off, facing East, fast climb…

I wished to go to the toilet in front of the aircraft (there were people behind)… I move the curtain slightly away (that cabin crew pull when they prepare for service) and the CC informs me that I must wait behind the curtain. I comply, she closes the curtain on my nose without hesitation. I look up to the sky: the light is green, the toilets are empty. No, she was making the captain's coffee and it was out of the question that I would be in the galley or in the toilet at that time. She will open the curtain to take out the trolley a minute later, obviously forgetting me. After the toilet, it seems that letting me pass was not planned; I had to ask firmly… to finally return to my 12 B.

Classic performance… Classic marathoning
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We zigzag… view on the door to leave closed except in case of urgent cigarette break during the flight:) with a piece of my neighbor's arm which she had to embark at 12:40 from Roissy for Africa!
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Cleaning also with a Marseillaise
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At the time of the approach no announcement for connections (yet the ad hoc message from the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System arrived, I saw it on the CC control panel on the way out). Shortly after the passage of level 100, the CC will still go to see the Diamands (Delta), the platinum (except me which does not surprise me since I am on two PNR and to see the link, there seems to be a manipulation to do that has not been done logically since we were approaching), the 2000 club and… that's all!

The moment Danette… No announcement to facilitate the pax in short-co; fight in duel but above all go fast! Finally, this is obviously not the crew's problem at this stage.
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We are obviously far from the terminal since at almost the end of the 2F2 jetty….
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The moment of the nose
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Lucky you're going to the P rooms of Af or the 300 room of ADP as the case may be….
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Come on, you have to run……
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After hesitation, passage not by the internal bus to CDG, but by the covered trench towards the 2E… to be master of the internal transport.
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Will I get my correspondence? Would I be forced to sleep in Roissy for 18 years to break Mehran Karimi Nasseri's record?
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The Mogoy moment
You will know this by reading the next episode of Captain XP's fantastic adventures entitled: "Phew, it's very cheap! » :)
See more


Air France

Cabin crew5.0

Independant VIP Luberon Lounge


Marseille - MRS


Paris - CDG



A late flight... a mixed management of the delay in Marseille (customer service was fine, boarding was ole olé).

A fallback flight that will frankly not go down in history. If the CC doesn't want to smile, let her go to another department, no one forces her to steal.

Comfort: ironing boards, uncleaned and full as an egg.

In short, a flight from A to B...

I sanction the pseudo fair for its structural weaknesses; the staff is very friendly but can't do much without means in a storage room...

For the arrival at CDG I distinguish what is part of this flight from the next...

Information on the route Marseille (MRS) Paris (CDG)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 33 avis concernant 2 compagnies sur la ligne Marseille (MRS) → Paris (CDG).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est Air France avec 7.5/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 1 heures et 27 minutes.

  More information


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