Review of Air Tahiti Nui flight Papeete Auckland in Economy

Airline Air Tahiti Nui
Flight TN 181
Class Economy
Seat 17A
Aircraft Airbus A340-300
Flight time 05:40
Take-off 23 Jan 10, 09:25
Arrival at 23 Jan 10, 14:05
TN 65 reviews
By 4990
Published on 2nd August 2011
This is the first FR on Air Tahiti Nui.

This is the first flight of a trip we took with my partner a year ago. We had decided to go back to Asia and visit Hong-Kong and Thailand (for the 3rd time).
We bought our tickets and went to our first destination, Auckland. Air Tahiti Nui and Air New Zealand are the only two airlines flying the route but this times Air Tahiti Nui's schedule was the best as the arrival in AKL would be the best for our transit to SYD on the Emirates A380.

After an early wake up we go to Tahiti International Airport to check-in at the Air Tahiti Nui counters. The checkin personnel is the same for all the airlines operating in and out of Papeete. Air Tahiti Escale Internationale handles all the airlines, Air Tahiti (RAR), Air Calin (NOU), Air France (LAX/CDG), Air New Zealand (AKL), Air Tahiti Nui (AKL/NRT/LAX/CDG) Hawaiian Airlines (HNL), LAN (IPC/SCL).

After we had checked in and got seats 17A and 17B (no online check in with TN) we went to the boarding lounge. The new operator of the airport is ADT and they did a few renovation and opened up the boarding area, created a nice garden with a terrace for the smokers. The boarding lounge as an airy feel with a more enjoyable local atmosphere.
photo P1000003
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New carvings are adorning the pillars. Tikis or ti'i are sculpted in wood, they are local gods representing most of the time the son of the Sun.
photo P1000010

Our boarding gate.
photo P1000006

Boarding will be fast as the flight is not full. Our Airbus A340-300 F-OLOV Nuku-Hiva.
photo P1000011

On board it is HORRIBLY hot ! Air-conditioning is not working, a nightmare !!!
photo P1000012

Departure soon, in the background on the ex-terminal 2 that was used by Air Moorea before the closure of the airline, is an Air Tahiti Nui A340.
photo P1000013

We are strating our journey to AKL and will go past a few Air Tahiti ATR that are getting ready for their multitude of flights. In the background is the French Polynesian government ATR42 that was christened Air Floss One. Gaston Flosse was the ex president of the government and it was under his tenure that the ATR was bought.
photo P1000015

The Moana cabin, Air Tahiti Nui economy class.
photo P1000017

Taking off to New Zealand.
photo P1000018

photo P1000020

The flight to AKL only lasts 5 hours more or less and a brunch is served. The choice was betwee, chocolate crepes or chinese omelet with bacon ham and chicken sausage.
I chose the crepes which were good, the ham in the plate containing the cheeses was of bad quality. The fruit salad was excellent. A small fromage frais was on the tray as well as a brioche bread. Concerning the omelet it was inedible ! My partner only ate the meat and left the whole omelet.
photo P1000024
photo P1000025

Flight went by with no problems, rapidly. The IFE on ATN is of a prehistoric generation with only 7 movies that will be shown on a loop where you will have to wait the end of the longest movie to start a new one. So while you are waiting the best thing is to watch the clouds and the blue of the magnificent Pacific Ocean !
photo P1000026

We are approaching New Zealand whose maori name is fitting, Aotearoa, the long white cloud
photo P1000027

Our arrival in Auckland.
photo P1000028

We arrived a few minutes ahead of schedule and exited the plane rapidly. We went back to security before going to the Emirates lounge to wait for our flight to Sydney.
See more


Air Tahiti Nui

Cabin crew8.0

Papeete - PPT


Auckland - AKL



The Air Tahiti Nui product is obsolete, particularly the IFE system and the seats. A new product should be coming soon. Let's wait and see what the airline will offer its customers.
Le produit d'Air Tahiti Nui se fait vieux, particulièrement le système de divertissement et les sièges. Une refonte du produit est à l'étude. Attendant de voir ce que la compagnie au tiare va proposer à ses clients.

Information on the route Papeete (PPT) Auckland (AKL)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 11 avis concernant 3 compagnies sur la ligne Papeete (PPT) → Auckland (AKL).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est Air New Zealand avec 7.8/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 5 heures et 50 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 3127 by
    Thomas TEAM 460 Comments
    C\'est vraiment malin de nous montrer ces paysage en pleine période de vacance ! :D
    En tout cas FR très original, les couleurs de cette compagnies font rêver . Merci !
  • Comment 3128 by
    Kilmarnock SILVER 6770 Comments
    Merci pour ce premier FR sur Air Tahiti Nui!
    Malgré la vieillesse de l\'IFE, je trouve que les couleurs de la cabine sont agréables.
    La nourriture à l\'air sympa aussi :)
  • Comment 3130 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    Bon je me permets de corriger mais c\'est Mahi Mahi
    Merci pour les commentaires, la suite du voyage bientôt avec le AKL-SYD en A380 Emirates en Business Class
  • Comment 3136 by
    Leadership TEAM BRONZE 5493 Comments
    Exotique, étonnant cette critique sur l\'IFE et le siège, car l\'avion en question n\'est pas très vieux.

    Merci beaucoup.
  • Comment 3138 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    L\'avion est le plus neuf en effet mais à part la caméra qui filme tout le vol, décollage et atterrissage, c\'est exactement le même que sur les autres appareils.
    Le siège en lui même n\'a rien de bien vieux en effet mais ils ont besoin d\'un petit coup de jeune, c\'est tout.
  • Comment 3141 by
    Michael 270 Comments
    Ce FR m\'interresse, car depuis quelques années un voyage en Polynesie est à l\'etude dans la famille
    Je suis impatient de voir ce que va proposer Air tahiti nui, qui n\'a pas une bonne santé financière en ce moment.
    A bientôt
  • Comment 3147 by
    SKYTEAMCHC GOLD 10325 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR. J\'adore la livrée de cette compagnie qui est certainement l\'une des plus belle. pour le reste cela al\'air quand même plutôt bien pour un produit éco.Tu donnes une note moyenne aux PNC. C\'est du à un manque d\'interactivité avec les PAX ? A bientôt manureva744 pour la suite de ton voyage. De mon coté je vais me lancer dans mon premier FR qui sera suivi de deux autres si j\'y arrive. En tous cas j\'adore ce site bravo à tous et à leadership.
  • Comment 3238 by
    TheLuc 1616 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR
    Es tu passé dans la classe affaire ????
  • Comment 3240 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    Je connais leur classe Affaires en effet mais sur ce vol nous étions en classe économique.

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