Review of AeroMexico flight Mexico City Madrid in Economy

Airline AeroMexico
Flight AM21
Class Economy
Seat 16D
Aircraft Boeing 787-9
Flight time 10:30
Take-off 22 Jan 20, 23:55
Arrival at 23 Jan 20, 17:25
AM   #71 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 101 reviews
By 2985
Published on 8th March 2021

Welcome to this FR of a flight that is more than one year old.

When I was searching for options to this flight AM and IB were at the same price range and my first option IB did not allowed me to book on its website due to a couple of system errors: 1) when I was inputting my birth date the month never changed from "0" so I called them and one agent said that they were aware of it and I could book with no inconvenience so I tried again resulting the same multiple times and 2) the system did not allowed me to pay with my CC and I needed to book ASAP so I checked inmediately on AM website and in no more than 5 minutes I had my confirmation "ok to fly" lol.

I arrived at the terminal at 22h, proceeded to the check in counter to obtain my souvenir boarding pass (I had the digital one in my phone), I was given the exit card to fill for the immigration statistics and made my way to the assigned gate. It is worth saying that this process was a breeze without crowds around me until I arrived at the gate. The boarding process was organized like I have never seen it at MEX involving that elitism err I mean priorities were respected firmly. I was excited to fly onboard the 787-9 because since I was 16 years (about to turn 30 y/o) old I have been travelling to CDG with AF 744 and 772 mainly so this was kind of a new experience on my transatlantic expeditions.

I was assigned a seat in the first Economy row and accepted it because I tend to walk in many ocassions during the flight. The impression of the aircraft was very good it looked and felt like a brand new aircraft. The seats next to me were already occupied by a mother and teenager daughter so I politely introduced myself and stored my travel backpack inside the enourmous overhead bin. 


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At the entrance door you found newspapers and a basket stocked with earphones. Once you reach your seat a package including a blanket, pillow and a bottle of water is ready to be used. You also can see the safety leaflet and behind it the Aire magazine, Gran Plan offers leaflet and wifi instructions.

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The seat screens were already in use and the welcome image on differente languages which I tought is a good idea.

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Once boarding was complete the FA`s checked the cabin and we were just waiting for the push-back. The flight was almost (like 98%) full in Economy.

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First the purser welcomed us and informed a 9 hours and 35 minutes flight duration at 36,000 ft both in Spanish and English inmediately the Captain introduced himself and his staff and informed of normal flight conditions with moderate turbulence between the 4 and 7 hour and that 5ºC were expecting us at MAD again both in Spanish and English and the aircraft started to move.

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The aircraft taxied to the not so congested runway and I inspected the flight info. At this point I was marveled by the Boeing 787-9 design and navigation lights in full mode. It is a great aircraft. Eventually our turn came and off we were to the nightsky after a potent but "silent" takeoff. I was not able to see the blinding lights of MEX.

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Not so long after I realized that instead of flying to the Atlantic Ocean we were headed to the US airspace which is always a bummer in my opinion because you do not feel the oceanic crossing "as it should be". At this point I could not notice if the windows were already tinted by the FA. Sometimes I`m amused at how people onboard an airplane just take advantage to sleep and not to enjoy the pure pleasure of crossing the Earth whatever the direction is.

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Dinner time came and rapidly the cabin crew splung in to action. No menu was provided and when the FA reached my seat they asked me if I wanted to have dinner, informed the two options (pasta and chicken), and handed it to me, here you can see how it was offered.

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The meal tray included a side salad and its dressing, a vanilla flavoured dessert that is not a dessert, a bun, the pasta, the new plastic blue cup for the coffee, metal cutlery, well, except for the knife which is plastic and the fabulous real wine glass! Yes in Economy. A long time ago the wine glass was offered in AF so I was more than satisfied with it. Afterwards the drinks trolley came and I asked orange juice and a light beer.

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Was interesting that after the trolleys were placed in the galley one FA per aisle offered withe or red wine holding the bottles in her arms and hands. And before the passengers finished their dinner coffe and tea serviced was offered. So far good impressions. When everybody was getting ready to rest after the dinner the FA`s offered from a plastic basket a plastic AM branded envelope containing eyemask and earplugs and this "amenity kit" seem to be collectible because it is offered in red, withe or blue color.

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We were crossing the Atlantic and I decided to navigate the IFE system especially the inflight map and music selection trying to sleep maximun for 60 minutes in a row and then going to the galley and take advantage of the self service buffet repeating many times. Suddenly I was ready for another snack but I was sleepy so I made a mess of the breakfast service trolley with the young FA just looking at me in completely calm and when I realized of this I apologized and she just smiled and I asked her if I could take a photo of it.

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Breakfast time came with another bun, salad of fresh fruits in a new white container, apple yogurth and scrambled eggs with chesse again with metal cutlery. This was offered 2h away from MAD, strange because we`d arrive at 17h but you know when travelling nothing is as usual as is at home. The lighting that was set before the service was from the outside when the FA unblocked the windows.

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Here you can see the location of the aircraft when the breakfast service concluded.

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The cabin crew announced that they would pass by in order to take any glasses or trash that needed to be removed from the cabin before the landing.

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The landing was scenic but not for me so I was focused in all the circles, movements and sounds of this great aircraft while approaching the airport.

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We landed safely and made a short taxi to the old terminal, the aircraft stopped and the deboarding procees started with those flying up front. I thanked the professional crew for the service and attention and made my way to the immigration zone where I was not asked any questions, not even Hola! just a boring and grey look.  This is the aircraft registration N438AM.

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Cabin crew10.0

Mexico City - MEX


Madrid - MAD



All in all this was a very good flight from the beggining to the end:
The cabin crew were mainly young which involved a less robotic/pedantic attention, I mean, they do not pretend every thing you ask for is from their own pocket.
The lavatories were kept clean and tidy the whole flight as well as the cabin.
The FA`s offered at least every hour still water to awake passengers.
The flight deck crew maintained the passengers updated about the flight progress.

There was just an issue with the passenger seated in front of me: when the dinner was finished I had a beer can in the tray table so he without any consideration reclined the seat crushing the can splashing beer and finally falling to the floor, staining the purse of the lady next to me, she noticed and did not say a word but by the look in her eyes it seems we agreed in something about that passenger. No FA in sight and did not called them. I cleaned up on my own.

Woud I recommend AM for long haul flights? Absolutely.

With this said I really thank you for your interest in my FlightReport beign the last one I have on list to publish. With the current situation I`m not planning any flights in the foreseeable future since I travel only for leisure and I do not think travelling/flying right now is enjoyable.

Greetings from Mexico City!

Information on the route Mexico City (MEX) Madrid (MAD)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 9 avis concernant 2 compagnies sur la ligne Mexico City (MEX) → Madrid (MAD).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est AeroMexico avec 7.5/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 10 heures et 38 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 572060 by
    Esco.B 90 Comments
    Thank you for your nice report !
    A beautiful aircraft indeed, flying is always such a great excitment, especially long-haul.
  • Comment 572370 by
    Pilpintu TEAM 1006 Comments
    Bonito vuelo, Jonathan!

    At the entrance door you found newspapers

    Esto me hace recordar mi primerísimo vuelo comercial, por allá a principios de los 90. Subí la escalera a la puerta del avión, y justo antes de entrar la azafata te daba la bienvenida y te ofrecía el diario. Como siempre ando sin plata, me asusté y mi primera pregunta fue "Pero esto se paga aparte?" Ella puso cara de horror. "No, señor! Está incluido en el pasaje!" Qué vergüenza! lol Bueno, era joven e inexperto.

    the oceanic crossing "as it should be"

    Entiendo tu punto de vista. Aún así, creo que debe tener algo que ver con la geometría euclidiana. En el mapa de la pantalla o incluso en el que está aquí al iniciar tu reporte, la línea más corta entre MEX y MAD parece ser una recta a través del mar Caribe y por el sur de Florida, pero en realidad el camino más corto es hacia el noreste, por donde iba tu avión. So that's actually the way it should be, you see? :D

    the fabulous real wine glass!

    GASP!! :O

    Breakfast time came with another bun,

    El servicio se ve bastante bien! No excepcional, pero bien. En Chile no tenemos yoghurt sabor manzana! Ni de coco! Ese sí había cuando era niño. :'''(

    where I was not asked any questions, not even Hola! just a boring and grey look.

    Tengo una teoría sobre eso, pero no la voy a decir aquí porque me acusarían de prejuicios contra los europeos y otras cosas malas. XD O tal vez simplemente el pobre "ofizial" no estaba teniendo un buen día! Joer XD

    Gracias por compartir, Jonathan! Que estés bien!

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