Review of Travel Service flight Warsaw Gran Canaria Island in Economy

Airline Travel Service
Flight QS7300
Class Economy
Seat 3F
Aircraft Boeing 737-800
Flight time 05:50
Take-off 05 Aug 14, 07:20
Arrival at 05 Aug 14, 12:10
QS 10 reviews
By 707
Published on 10th November 2020

Hi everyone!

Long time, no see… I haven't travelled anywhere since my last trip with BA in Club Europe on their A320neo (my 100th flight experience). But I missed writing those flight reports, so here I am with a new-old report of my flight back in 2014. That was exactly the time when I started to be interested in aviation.

This short report is going to be a review of a Travel Service flight from Warsaw to Las Palmas on their 737-800, which was included in a package holiday from Neckermann (Thomas Cook, old times…). Even though it was already more than 6 years ago, I can still remember how excited I was to take this flight. Back then, this charter flight was operated once weekly only and always with the same aircraft (OK-TVR), which was one of the only aircrafts of QS with the Sky Interior (hence my excitement, I hadn't flown on a Sky Interior Boeing before that flight).

Our journey started early in the morning, those were the times, when all passengers were arriving at the airport 2 hours before departure. Only 2 counters open for the whole 738… fun! But at least we got nice seats in row 3 :)

We boarded through the jet bridge (which is very unusual for charters in Warsaw) and entered the fresh airplane, it looked really nice inside.
CZECH carrier, AMERICAN airplane, flight to SPAIN, GERMAN travel agency, POLISH crew - a nice mix of countries ;) 

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Our airplane caught on the sky a few days earlier.

Flight details
Flight number: TVS7300
Route: Warsaw Chopin - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Flight date: 5.08.2014 (0720-1210)
Aircraft model: Boeing 737-800 (Sky interior)
Aircraft registration: OK-TVR
Seating configuration: Y189
Aircraft age (at the time of flight): 3.5 years
Seat number: 3F

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We departed pretty much on time and made our way towards southern Poland. Here's a look at this Boeing's interior. As I say, this was the first time with Sky interior for me, and I was astonished how modern and comfortable it felt!
Bigger windows (and the different way of how the wall is sculpted around them), LED lighting, new overhead compartments and new PSU panels - all made a huge difference. Also, a very big plus to Travel Service for having the overhead monitors - they showed the moving map which was a nice additive to the already great flight.

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The seats were really alright as well. Properly thick with ample legroom (maybe that's because it was the front of the aircraft and this particular one was sometimes used with business class at the front). They featured an adjustable tray table, adjustable headrests and a coat hook, no power sockets those days… It's just the "antimacassars" that looked a bit cheap, but it's a leisure airline after all!

Once at the cruising altitude, I took a few pictures of the outside, I loved the reflection of the chrome details on the winglet. Some 30 mins into the flight, the crew started their BoB service which, as far as I remember was quite extensive - we even took some drinks (coffee, tee, juice) and sweet snacks. This wasn't that expensive, to be fair. Interestingly, the crew only made one round with BoB trolley on this 5:50 hour flight (later also one with duty free) in contrast to 3 rounds that the crew made en route to Tenerife the previous year with Small Planet.

Anyway, I really enjoyed my sweet snack with the view over the Alps, although no snow on them! 

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We're in the middle of the flight, and although the interior didn't change (haha), everyone is pretty much asleep, except for me ;) The rest of flight was very smooth and uneventful. It started getting more exciting during our descent into Las Palmas. It was quite abrupt, I have to say (and of course I had problems with my ears because of that) but the views outside were breathtaking. Nothing can beat landing over water (well… maybe landing in Zurich with snowy Alps or in Doha overnight ;) ).

Apologies for this one extra photo with Alps but I had to fill the gallery ;)

And… we landed on time in Gran Canaria. We parked at the jet bridge (again, quite surprisingly), next to a Jet Time 737-700 (does this airline still exist?).

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Jet time next to us, Canaryfly in the far background.

The flight was lovely and I really enjoyed each and every aspect of it. Apologies for the content being a bit short this time but that's a retro-report so I didn't have too many pictures to share with you. Hopefully you enjoyed it anyway, and the message is that Travel Service is actually one of the better charter airlines on Polish sky from my experience.

Thanks for reading,

On Gran Canaria, we stayed at this 4* Lopesan Costa Meloneras Hotel and I can with no doubt recommend it (if the standard didn't change since 2014). One of the best hotels on Gran Canaria perhaps!

See more


Travel Service

Cabin crew7.5

Warsaw - WAW


Gran Canaria Island - LPA



Very good leisure flight with Travel Service. It was great to conjure up all the memories once again. Travel Service pleasantly surprised myself with this flight.



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