Review of Copa Airlines flight Buenos Aires Panamá City in Economy

Airline Copa Airlines
Flight CM453
Class Economy
Seat 28F
Aircraft Boeing 737 MAX 9
Flight time 07:20
Take-off 06 Oct 21, 01:30
Arrival at 06 Oct 21, 06:50
CM   #17 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 77 reviews
By 1212
Published on 8th November 2021

Hi everyone! Welcome to my latest series of reports from my trip to NYC last October.
Originally, this trip was scheduled for may 2020 and it also included a week in Canada. But of course, due to COVID pandemic it all changed. I bought this ticket in October 2019. It sounds like it was ages ago.

When Argentina closed its borders, I contacted the airline to cancel the flights and hold my ticket. Their changes policy permitted 3 free changes of date up to December 2021. All this time I had the intention to use this ticket, but my county´s air travel policy became extremely unpredictable. They set a quota of 7000 arriving passengers arriving a week only though the main international airport (Ezeiza). Because of this, airlines had to ask for permission to the government to schedule their flights. This meant that I only knew exactly which dates I was flight only 5 days before the flight (when my flights got approved).

Thankfully, now Argentina has opened its borders and most of the international airports. Almost a month after the ending of my trip

As I mentioned before, we are still living the pandemic. To get to USA I needed to get a COVID test, I got it in my city 2 days before the flight. I also had to complete a declaration to exit Argentina, saying that because I was traveling during the pandemic I wouldn´t recieve consular assistance to get back to the country.

The date of the flight I arrived the airport in a shuttle from my city, Rosario. I arrived almost 6 hours before the flight.

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Ezeiza Airport COVID Testing place

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Brand new Terminal B. They say it will open somewhen in 2022

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I had some time to kill, so I walked along the landside Terminal, I went upstairs to eat dinner at the Hard Rock Café. I had some mac and cheese with chicken breast. I wasn’t as good as I expected.

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Finally at 21.45 COPA´s check in counters opened. I was asked by the agent to present my USA visa, my COVID test, an Argentinean migrations form, and another USA declaration I had no idea I had to fill (I did It over the counter). The agent took my luggage and gave my two boarding passes.

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Just a few flights tonight. AA to JFK and TK to GRU and IST. On terminal C there was just an AR flight to MIA

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It was still very early for my flight. I went upstairs again to pass through security and migrations. Security was very fast, but migrations seemed very disorganized, and it took a while.

Once on the airside, I wandered around. There were still more than 2 hours to board the flight.
I checked the duty-free shop; it was nice as always.

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The empty terminal looked a bit scary. No people, and no planes…kind of apocalyptic vibes.

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Travel basics for nowadays. I forgot to mention that masks were mandatory inside the Terminal and on board the flights.

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I discovered a Burger King branch I didn’t know they had at EZE. So, I bought an ice cream.

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They were boarding TK Boeing 777 to GRU and IST. I took this flight 7 years ago on my trip to Israel.

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I found a nice spot to sit and rest before my flight

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At 00.20 boarding was started. I was sitting on the last rows of this Boeing 737MAX 9. So, I was on one of the first boarding groups. My seat was 28F.

It called my attention that in the middle rows there were the flight attendants of the PTY EZE flight, apparently, they bring onboard two crews. And the previous flight crew just goes back as passengers. The same thing I noticed on the PTY EZE flight I took a couple of days later.

The legroom seemed OK to me (I am 1,75m tall). But the space felt too cramped for a 7-hour flight. The plane was packed full.

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Too sad to see this aircraft doesn’t have PTVs. Only the first 3 rows of seats I think they have. The rest of the seats have a support to put your mobile or tablet as a PTV and an USB outlet.
We took off at 01.30 and had some nice views of the lights of Buenos Aires and its surroundings.
At 01.00 the captain greeted us and we taxied out of the terminal.

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We took off at 01.30 and had some nice views of the lights of Buenos Aires and its surroundings.

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Before I fell asleep, I checked the inflight entertainment system on Wi-Fi. As they don’t offer anymore the paper magazine you can read it on your device. I also found a cool air show.

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COPA´s flight routes. They used to have flights to four other Argentinean cities besides Buenos Aires. Now they announced they are returning to COR and MDZ (still missing ROS, my home city airport and SLA).

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Somewhere over Santiago del Estero I fell asleep.

I woke up at 4 hours later when they started the meal service. I found to be a terrible timing, we still had 3 hours of flight and most people were sleeping.

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The meal box included a sandwich, a cereal bar, a yogurt, and a hand sanitizing little towel. They served hot drinks, juices, water and soft drinks. I took a tea and an apple juice. A little bit cheap. I know they used to offer hot sandwiches before the pandemic.

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Then I tried to sleep a little more. I woke up at 06.10 Panama time. And the captain announced we were descending. On the app I could check my connecting gate. I only had 30-ish minutes to get to the gate.

Finally at 06.50 we landed on Panama City Tocumen International Airport.

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Once the crew let us turn off the airplane mode of my iPhone, I received an email from the airline telling me which gate I had to get.
I got of the aircraft and started to run the gate for my JFK flight. When I got there, it was the last call. But I could made it through security and then I boarded.

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See more


Copa Airlines

Cabin crew7.0

Buenos Aires - EZE


Panamá City - PTY



The flight was on time. My connection was tight but I could get there in time. The crew was friendly, except the chief FA who seemed a little bossy. The meal service wasn’t good enough for a 7-hour flight. The comfort onboard wasn’t was I expected from a brand-new aircraft. It feels very cramped on such a long flight.



If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 585581 by
    Fernando 70 Comments
    Excellent report Viajero90. I`m waiting your next reports. We look forward for international flights to ROS.
    A salute!
  • Comment 585713 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Comments
    Hola viajero90, so interesting to see a pandemic-era report from Argentina! And on a COPA 737 MAX!

    With the bordered of the US and Argentina now re-open, lots of carriers have added frequencies to EZE and from what I hear all flights are full!

    The empty terminal looked a bit scary. No people, and no planes…kind of apocalyptic vibes.

    I'm sure it's much livelier since reopening. I've only flown between the US and EU during the pandemic, but airports are back to being crowded haha

    Too sad to see this aircraft doesn’t have PTVs. Only the first 3 rows of seats I think they have.

    It is a shame they didn't add PTVs to Y seats, but at least there's the streaming IFE and the seats have device holders.

    The legroom seemed OK to me (I am 1,75m tall). But the space felt too cramped for a 7-hour flight. The plane was packed full.

    Yeah being in a 737 for 7h is reeeeally long, even with decent legroom. These long narrowbody flights are becoming more and more common. I'd much prefer to be on an A321 for that long a flight with the wider cabin and seats. I'd flown 757s in Y a few times across the Atlantic and it was definitely cramped.

    A little bit cheap. I know they used to offer hot sandwiches before the pandemic

    Yeah that box is disappointing for a 7h flight

    Gracias por compartir!
  • Comment 585760 by
    Fernando 70 Comments
    Hola de nuevo en donde te hiciste el test COVID en Rosario? Yo tambièn tengo que testearme. Gracias saludos!
  • Comment 588862 by
    Pilpintu TEAM 1006 Comments
    Hola! Por esas cosas raras de la vida no me di cuenta de que se me había pasado tu primer fr de este viaje!!
    now Argentina has opened its borders

    Bien por ustedes! Lamentablemente no fue suficiente para organizar el viaje de graduación de mi curso en el colegio donde trabajo. Los chicos querían ir a Bariloche (estamos en Valdivia y nos queda muy cerca) pero los operadores de estos viajes nos dicen que todo está muy complicado todavía. Así que vamos a tener que viajar dentro del país. :(
    because I was traveling during the pandemic I wouldn´t recieve consular assistance to get back to the country.

    Qué horror! Será así para todos los países? Suena a que te van a dejar tirado si te pasa algo!
    mac and cheese with chicken breast. I wasn’t as good as I expected.

    Parece que no lo hicieron con mucho cariño jajja Se ve un poco desordenado.
    kind of apocalyptic vibes.

    Sí, bueno, yo pensaba que el apocalipsis iba a ser un holocausto nuclear o algo así, pero se parece mucho más a eso. Mucho silencio, pizza y netflix. lol
    Travel basics for nowadays

    Quién lo habría dicho hace un par de años, cuando un “travel kit” era un antifaz, un par de pantuflas y un cepillo de dientes...
    the space felt too cramped for a 7-hour flight

    Por algo le llaman cattle class! XD Pero sinceramente no se ve tan mal si mides 1,75.
    had some nice views of the lights of Buenos Aires

    Awww... Rayita está ahí abajo :’’’( Me pregunto qué será de ella. Es una gatita del lugar donde me alojé en Buenos Aires hace años. Muy cariñosa.
    The meal box included a sandwich, a cereal bar, a yogurt, and a hand sanitizing little towel

    Mil veces mejor que la cajita de cumpleaños de Aerolíneas Argentinas, en mi opinión. Le llamo así porque contiene solamente galletas y pastelitos. Nada saludable.
    Felicitaciones por esta demostración de valentía de tu parte! Valentía por viajar al extranjero en pandemia y por hacerlo en un 737 max!!! A mí no me suben a uno de esos ni a palos!!
    Gracias por compartir!!

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