Review of LATAM flight Santiago Concepcion in Economy

Airline LATAM
Flight LA211
Class Economy
Seat 8F
Aircraft Airbus A320
Flight time 01:11
Take-off 05 Dec 23, 06:27
Arrival at 05 Dec 23, 07:38
LA   #26 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 217 reviews
By 241
Published on 7th December 2023


Hello guys!!! This is my first Flight Report on this page! In this case I will be flying with LATAM from Santiago de Chile to Concepcion in Economy Class. Im 16 years old and I have autism and LATAM implemented a necklace for people with autism to get more benefits in-flight to improve and promote the inclusion. We will see if flying with that necklace is worth it. Lets go to the report!!


My ticket cost me $38USD ($33000CLP) with the cheapest rate that only includes the ticket and a default middle seat for 1 passenger (Me).

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My default seat was a middle seat in the middle of the plane (17B). I hoped that with the necklace that will change…

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My flight was LA211 and it will depart at 06:27AM and arrive at 07:38AM…

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We are ready to fly!!!


I woke up at 04:20AM and I left home at 04:40AM..

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And arrived at the airport (T1, Domestic) at 05:00AM (37 minutes before the boarding started). When I arrived, I went to the counter to claim my autism necklace, after that I went directly to the security control and the gate (20A).

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My gate 20A…

photo 20a

Already at the boarding gate, the crew gave me the benefits of the necklace, and you will see that it was totally worth it! First, the crew gave me more attention that the other passengers and call me by my name, second they changed my uncomfortable middle seat (17B) to a comfortable window seat in front of the plane (8F) for Free!

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And the best part! The crew invited me to preboard with them like 15 minutes before the boarding started!!!

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My aircraft in this case was an Airbus A320-233 with the registration of CC-COL, is one of the oldest A320s of the LATAM fleet making his first flight in September 2001 as LAN Chile, in 2011 got transfered to LAN Argentina renamed as LV-CKV, flying in that country till 2018, returning to LATAM Chile and fly till nowadays. More than 22 years of service!!! It has a configuration of 168 seats.

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Another view of CC-COL :)!

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On the other side, a LATAM A321-211 with the registration of CC-BEN :D.

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Oh! I got a plane with the old LAN retro interior! Im so lucky because LATAM is retrofiting most of A320s!

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My seat 8F :D.

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Oh! Thats me :V!

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I love this old seats! They are very soft and have a very comfortable texture! Very hard to find these in 2023! Thats why im so lucky!

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The boarding just started!!

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Another view of the iconic LAN cabin, the flight wasn´t very busy! That was great!

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My window view! On the other side of my view, the newest A321neo of SKY Airline with the registation of CC-DCD 22.2 years of difference!

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We were ready to depart but the flight got delayed for like 20 minutes for a technical issue of the aircraft…

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Finally we take off and departed like 25 minutes after we started the pushback!!!

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Seeing the dry central valleys of Chile at Summer!

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We finally reached cruiser altitude! On the left side of the view, a rainbow in sky view (Idk if you will see that in this photo :V…)

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The view of the old big LAN seat table. Unfortunately this plane doesn´t have the sticker with the QR code for LATAM Play so the plane doesn´t have In-Flight Entertainment, I thought that was because was the old cabin but I watched other Flight Reports in this old cabins and they had the QR for LATAM Play. So the QR sticker got removed. Bad there LATAM! 

Edit: At least they had the LATAM Play Wi-Fi Network, Thats why I will change from a 0/10 to a 2/10…

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Its was snack time and the crew gave me first a Honey Cereal Bar without Sugar. It tasted good to not have Sugar.

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After that, they gave me a glass of mineral water and a coffee with sugar and cream for more energy :). It tasted very well!

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And finally they gave me a vegan peanuts suffles. They were very delicious for being vegan!

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The snack, being economic class and free, is very good!


We started to descent!

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And we finally arrived in a flight with a 10/10 of attention and service!

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Saying goodbye to CC-COL and their crew for the attention and service!

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See more



Cabin crew10.0

Santiago - SCL


Concepcion - CCP



In conclusion the cabin was very clean but its very old, but the seats were more comfortable than the newest ones, the crew was 10/10, but Idk why they removed In-Flight Entertainment? And the meal was very good to being Economy Class. The Departure and Arrival Airport was very well in all points. I will give to this Flight a 9/10! Good Job LATAM especially for working very well with the inclusion and the service!

Information on the route Santiago (SCL) Concepcion (CCP)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 5 avis concernant 3 compagnies sur la ligne Santiago (SCL) → Concepcion (CCP).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est LAN Airlines avec 7.9/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 1 heures et 1 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 640718 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Comments
    Hola Marianeke, great job on your first report! Very well written with good detail. I too find the older cabins to have more comfortable seats; however, the seats being so thick make it feel too cramped with the rows so close together. I much prefer the newer cabins, as they feel more spacious, even if the seats are a bit harder.

    A shame there wasn’t LATAM play on your flight. I’ve definitely had older cabins that have had it.

    Thanks for sharing and welcome to Flight-Report!
    • Comment 640722 by
      Marianeke AUTHOR 3 Comments
      Hola Kevin! Hace poco investigue y solo quedan aproximadamente 5 A320 con el interior antiguo a la fecha de subida este reporte (CC-BLA, CC-COF, CC-COK, CC-COL y CC-COO) Desconozco si quedan algunos más. El resto son A319 que LATAM confirmó que no les harán retrofit a ninguno por ahora. Si, tienes razon, los asientos de ahora tienen más espacio entre las piernas, pero mis piernas son flaquitas y soy bajito así que para una persona como yo no sufre por eso por ahora. Tambien tienes razón con los estándares de la modernidad de los asientos nuevos, además tienen enchufes USB y tienen mejor reclinacion, en los aviones con los nuevos asientos que he viajado me ido igual de cómodo por esos estándares que me dijiste, pero en personas más altas o más de peso es muy importante todo lo que me dijiste sobre los nuevos asientos. Muchas gracias por el apoyo y la orientación ???!!!
  • Comment 640719 by
    Pilpintu TEAM 1006 Comments
    This is my first Flight Report on this page!

    Al fiiiiiinnnn....!!!! ??? Me preguntaba cuándo aparecería otro chileno por estos lados! Me sentía un poco solo explicándole a estos gringos lo que es el papel confort y los sánguches de mechada!!! ?

    Bienvenido, Mariano!!! Nos alegra mucho tenerte por aquí. Me llamo Nelson. Te cuento que empecé a publicar en hace algunos años y ha sido una experiencia muy agradable y estimulante. Agradable porque he conocido a personas de muchos lugares que comparten mi gusto por volar, y estimulante porque no creo que hubiera volado por todo Chile si no hubiera tenido el incentivo de mostrar aquí los lugares que visitaba. Realmente lo he disfrutado mucho.

    LATAM implemented a necklace for people with autism

    Me alegra mucho saber eso. Latam se caracteriza por varias iniciativas orientadas a la comunidad, como el mes del cáncer mamario (cuando la tripulación lleva una cintita rosada en la solapa) o el avión solidario, etc.

    My ticket cost me $38USD

    Me encanta que volar dentro de Chile sea tan barato! Tengo que reconocer que me puse muy regalón y ya no viajo en bus ni a palos. jajaj

    Sugeriría que en el futuro borraras un poco todo lo que sea números y códigos relacionados con los pasajes. Recuerda que siempre andan malosos por ahí buscando qué maldad hacer con nuestra información personal. Es increíble cómo espían! Con decirte que la otra vez le conté a mi mamá que había encontrado una araña en mi pieza, y al mismísimo día siguiente aliexpress empezó a ofrecerme arañas de peluche!! Coincidencia? O mi mamá trabaja para Xi Jinping?? La voy a observar.

    First, the crew gave me more attention that the other passengers

    Bien por ti, Mariano!! Porque a mí no me dan ni la hora. La otra vez llegué todo adolorido por un problema en un pie y ni siquiera me inflaron cuando pedí una silla de ruedas. Aunque creo que ese fue Sky. No recuerdo.

    I love this old seats! They are very soft and have a very comfortable texture!

    Coincido contigo. También me gustan los asientos viejitos porque son más blanditos. Pero como dice Kevin más arriba, para los estándares modernos ocupan demasiado espacio. Sin ir más lejos, una vez vi a una señora con una guagua en brazos tratando de ponerse de pie para salir en un avión latam con asientos similares a estos, y no hubo caso. La señora no se podía parar y tuvo que venir una auxiliar a socorrerla, y tuvieron que guardar la guagua en el compartimiento del equipaje, y... jajajaj No, mentira. Estoy bromeando. No guardaron la guagua en ninguna parte. La auxiliar solamente la sostuvo un ratito mientras la señora se ponía de pie. Pero imagínate si la señora hubiera necesitado salir rápido en una emergencia!

    the flight wasn´t very busy!

    Sí, hay tantos vuelos entre Conce y Santiago que encuentro difícil que vaya alguno lleno. O los hay?
  • Comment 640720 by
    Pilpintu TEAM 1006 Comments
    delayed for like 20 minutes for a technical issue of the aircraft

    Sí, a los 22 ya empiezan los achaques al menos para los aviones!

    a Honey Cereal Bar without Sugar / a glass of mineral water and a coffee with sugar and cream / vegan peanuts suffles

    Mish! Y a estos qué araña los picó? Y doble suflé más encima!! Si no me regalonean así para mi próximo vuelo voy a quejarme.

    Qué bien! Me alegro mucho por tu buena experiencia en este vuelo. Y también te felicito por el excelente relato. Muy pro, con todos los detalles necesarios, y muy ameno de leer.

    Espero seguir viendo más informes tuyos en el futuro! Que estés muy bien! ??
  • Comment 640723 by
    jfoj 1 Comments
    Dude, super report. Very nice to see an airline like LATAM here. Pretty rare! Keep on doing your thing!

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