Review of Air France flight Los Angeles Paris in Business

Airline Air France
Flight AF 069
Class Business
Seat 9L
Aircraft Boeing 777-200ER
Flight time 10:30
Take-off 02 Oct 11, 00:30
Arrival at 02 Oct 11, 20:00
AF   #29 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 5971 reviews
By 7479
Published on 5th October 2011
After the PPT-LAX, here is the next leg of my trip, the LAX-CDG.

I go through the immigration and customs formalities rapidly and go to the boarding gate where I am handed a new boarding card for AF 069 and I am invited to go and wait in the lounge.
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The lounge is rather full and when I arrive I can find a table and a couple of chairs in the middle, I settle in, get my stuff there and go get some snacks and a drink.

The choice of snacks, crisps, cookies, nuts, cheese, crackers etc… Nothing exciting.
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The drinks
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My selection.
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After having waited there for an hour, I go to the boarding gate where passengers have already started to get on board. I go to the Business Class lane and get on rapidly.
The terminal from above.
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Our airplane is on a remote stand, we will take the one that flew us from PPT.
While we board our bus, a 737 from another skyTEAM carrier, AeroMexico.
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We drive up the runway in our bus and we go past a V Australia B777-300ER

We have arrived at the remote gates and we walk up the aircraft.
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We board the 777
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I seat in my newly assigned seat, 9L, for the next 10 hours.
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The legroom.
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The cabin.
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The push back is done on time and we are now going to the runway, passing by Tom Bradley, T3, T2 and T1.
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Air France wishes us a warm Welcome on Board !
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The plane is now at the treshold of the runway and start to roar down towards the Pacific. It will do a turn above the ocean and fly back towards the land and will continue its flight to Paris.
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The cabin is in the dark and is very quiet during take off, all will come back to life in a few minutes.
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I get comfortable and start to watch a movie.
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The cabin attendant will come through the cabin and offer a glass of Champagne and the mise en bouche.
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Still watching The Tuches
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During the movie the cabin attendant will dress my table with the white linen and will put my tray on it. To go with my starter I will get a glass of Saint Veran white wine. The choice of bread is either a mini baguette or Olive bread.
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Starter is slices of duck breast, fig compote, scallop terrine and wasabu mayonnaise.

The comes the main dish, Halibut in capers butter, rice cake, carrot and spinach.
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The fish was really good, not too dry as fish tends to be on airplanes.

For dessert I will opt for a mango sorbet and will then fall asleep rapidly.

1h59 minutes before we arrive in Paris I wake up, what a great night !

We are approaching the irish coastline.
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The lights in the cabin are back on, we are going to get breakfast soon. The cabin attendant will apologize for serving us a breakfast at 8pm but quite frankly I prefer it that way as my stomach won't be able to eat dinner !

No more crepes with cream cheese and red berries so I opt for the omelette which was excellent, very moist, they are usually over cooked and dry !
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A picture of the Air France Magazine's cover about the new Air France ad, The Flight
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Is it cold outside ?
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The sun is setting over France and we will be landing soon.
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A little bit more…
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We are well into our descent and we will be landing in Roissy CDG soon.
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Reverse !
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It is dark inside, the night is upon us outside…
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An Air France A380 for JNB maybe ?
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We continue to taxi towards our gate.
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We go past a Korean Air B747-400
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Then an AF 747-400 before turning to our gate.
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The cabin lights are switched on and we can now deplane.
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Our 777 that flew us all the way from PPT to CDG via LAX, F-GSPF.
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Immigration is fast, we arrived just after the Korean Air flight but there aren't that many passengers from that flight.

I go to the bag carrousel and can't stop smiling as on that screen is where I came from and where I'm going to !
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See more


Air France

Cabin crew9.5

Los Angeles - LAX


Paris - CDG



Excellent flight once more. Flight was delayed but the ground crew at LAX did well with the whole situation, always smiling, was it because the passengers were tahitians who are always more laid back ?

The seat is still the NEV 3 but I was fast asleep and you don't feel the toboggan effect as much as on the NEV2 and I slept up until 2 hours before arrival... WOW !

The cabin attendant was very nice, polite and pleasant. Not as warm as the tahitian crew but very professional.

For the meal, it was excellent but I was dissapointed not to be able to eat the cakes as there was a chocolate-mint cake and I am allergic to mint...

Next flight in one week to Seoul, for the time being I have a full week in Paris !

Information on the route Los Angeles (LAX) Paris (CDG)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 72 avis concernant 4 compagnies sur la ligne Los Angeles (LAX) → Paris (CDG).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est Air Tahiti Nui avec 7.6/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 10 heures et 36 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 7126 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    WOW ! j\'ai fais le 100eme FR sur AF !
  • Comment 7127 by
    jam 2001 Comments
    Superbe suite de vol , les photos vue d\'aile au couché du soleil sont très jolie, merci pour votre FR.
  • Comment 7128 by
    marathon GOLD 10185 Comments
    Je n\'ai pas bien compris à la lecture (que j\'ai déconnectée du vol depuis PPT) la note de ponctualité, car une livraison de baagges affichée à 20h21 pour un horaire d\'arrivée à 20h00, cela semble acceptable. Il y a certes des pays où les bagagistes font nettement mieux, mais ce n\'est pas actastrophique.
    Merci pour ce FR et bonne vacances !
  • Comment 7129 by
    Spot971 312 Comments
    Super ce Fr , complet , belles photos , rien à dire !
    Le catering a l\'air vraiment sympa , surtout le poisson ? A-t-il eu du gout ? À chaque fois que je prends du poisson , il est fade .
    Merci :)
  • Comment 7132 by
    Leadership TEAM BRONZE 5493 Comments
    Encore un très bon FR de votre part.

    Salon indigne, surtout pour une escale aussi importante que LAX pour AF, j\'ose espèrer qu\'avec le nouveau terminal intl actuellement en construction AF disposera d\'un vrai salon.

    Embarquement au large étonnant pour un LC en escale.

    Repas plutot correct à l\'exception de l\'entrée que je trouve particulièrement mal présenté. Qu\'est ce qui compose l\'amuse bouche?

  • Comment 7133 by
    TheLuc 1616 Comments
    Merci pour ce très bon FR
    Bravo pour ce 100è FR sur AF
  • Comment 7137 by
    Legolas0606 224 Comments
    > Salon indigne, surtout pour une escale aussi importante que LAX pour AF, j\'ose espèrer qu\'avec le nouveau terminal intl actuellement en construction AF disposera d\'un vrai salon.

    Non, c\'est pas pour nous. Et on a le droit de nous taire :)
  • Comment 7141 by
    Esteban GOLD 20324 Comments
    Petite question, y\'a tîl a nouveau le choix entre deux plats chaud pour le petit déjeuner ? Car jusqu\'a il n\'y a pas très longtemps, sur LAX, c\'était le plat chaud ou le petit dejeuner \fraîcheur\ (charcuterie et fromage).
  • Comment 7142 by
    Esteban GOLD 20324 Comments
    Autre question, vous parlez de retard bien géré dans la conclusion, mais dans le trip vous parlez d\'un push back à l\'heure. Comprends pas très bien ^^
  • Comment 7145 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires.

    @marathon et Esteban : en effet je parle de partir à l\'heure et d\'un retard... J\'aurais du être plus explicite, c\'est de ma faute. Le retard engendré à Papeete à été répercuté sur le vol pour Paris. Le LAX-CDG a donc été re-programmé et nous sommes partis \à l\'heure\ concernant le nouvel horaire.

    @Leadership : Oui le salon n\'est pas digne d\'une compagnie de l\'envergure d\'AF... Le vol n\'étant pas prévu à cette heure, tout les points de contact au terminal étaient occupés. Je pense que c\'est pour cela que nous étions au large.
    L\'amuse bouche était composé de tranches de volaille grillées et gelée de fruits.

    @Spot971 : Le poisson était délicieux, les câpres relevaient légèrement le goût du plat ! Excellent.

    @Esteban : Il y avait 3 choix pour le petit-déjeuner, 2 chauds, omelette ou crêpes et l\'assiette froide, charcuterie et fromage.
  • Comment 7146 by
    02022001 GOLD 4457 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR
    Petit dej a 20h00, bizarre!
  • Comment 7148 by
    marathon GOLD 10185 Comments
    Ah, je comprends. Mais dans ce cas (je pinaille un peu), il est injuste de sanctionner le retard de ce vol, qui est dû à celui du vol précédent. Rendons justice à AF : les compagnies chinoises que je fréquente vous auraient laissé en rade à LAX (ou plutôt à PEK ou PVG) - un de mes collègues en a fait l\'expérience en étant en J.
  • Comment 7149 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    @marathon Oui c\'est vrai, je monte la note dans ce cas !
  • Comment 7152 by
    momolemomo GOLD 9744 Comments
    Bon Flight Report. Air France confirme l\'idée que j\'ai (et que je garderais) d\'eux.
    De belles photos de la cabine et je trouve le mise en bouche très sympathiquement présenté.

    \le nouveau film publicitaire d\'AF, \l\'envol\ \
    Je trouve ce film publicitaire génial. Juste magnifique et poétique.

    100e FR sur AF ?! Ça se fête ! :)
  • Comment 7182 by
    Damss974 1810 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR !
    100 eme FR sur AF !! lol.

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