Review of China Airlines flight Bangkok Taipei in Business

Airline China Airlines
Flight CI 836
Class Business
Seat 2K
Aircraft Airbus A330-300
Flight time 03:35
Take-off 28 Oct 11, 17:50
Arrival at 28 Oct 11, 22:25
CI   #12 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 107 reviews
By 4820
Published on 3rd November 2011
The vacations are over and it is now time to go home to Tahiti…

China Airlines has very attractive fares ex Bangkok to the USA and as they were joining SkyTEAM, I decided to buy a oneway BKK-TPE-LAX for 1250 USD !
My friends were booked on the same flight as me in economy class and I in Dynasty Class.
Our taxi arrived at the hotel on time and brought us directly to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

The King is everywhere.
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And of course the orchid, the national flower is everywhere too !
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The check-in counters of China Airlines are located in aisle S. There is no one at the First and Dynasty counters, check-in is fast and my bags are tagged all the way to LAX via TPE.
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The check-in agent will give me my passport, boarding cards, my invitation to the Dynasty Lounge and my fast track pass for immigration and security controls.
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I part from my friends to go through the fast track area for immigration and security dedicated to Premium passengers, there's no one so all will be very quick ! I will wait for my friends some 20 minutes before they appear air-side.

I leave them to walk about the terminal so that I can go to the Dynasty Lounge to have a very complete report.
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A lot of choice for the snacks, the presentation is not the best but everything is really tasty !
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A good choice of drinks too !
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And a small selection of Dim Sum !
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My selection
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There is also a table just like in a cafeteria that allows you to sit down and have lunch or dinner !
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After taking a few pictures and tasting nearly everything, I go back to my friends and we go to gate G2.
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On my way, a few airplanes and of course mine !
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Boarding started soon after we arrived and I once again part from my friends who will board after Dynasty Class passengers.
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The cabin is not really full, we are something like 10 passengers with 3 extremely RUDE ones who came to the lounge and were the rudest persons I have ever encountered. The lounge attendant was doing its job by requesting the lounge invitation and they just walked in past her screaming that they were tired and they didn't care ! She managed to keep 2 at the entrance, one came in, drank some coconut water and then left. I understand that people know that they travel in Business Class but the lounge attendants have to check that you are allowed to use the lounge by requesting that you hand over the invitations. Being polite to the people taking care of you is common courtesy.
On board they had very rude comments towards the crew like the young asian lady travelling with the 2 men. The cabin crew was giving out newspaper in english and apparently didn't offer any to the woman. She told them they were racists ! simply !!! RUDE ! The lounge and cabin attendants kept their cool at all time when I simply wanted to punch them. I hate rude and DYKWTFIA people !

My seat 2K
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The legroom
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The row and the cabin, the seat next to mine will remain free.
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Next to us a Tiger Airways A320
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The contents of the seat pocket.
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The cabin crew will offer the welcome drink with a choice of either champagne, water, orange or apple juice. They will also offer some otsumami with the drink.
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The remote for the video system and the seat controls.
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During the boarding, the screens shows the China Airlines new logo and those of the SkyTEAM partners.
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All the passengers are on board, the cabin crew will announce the doors closing and that they are arming them, next step, the safety demonstrations.
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We start our push-back and next to us the Tiger Airways A320 is still here.
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The safety demonstrations again !
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We taxi past a Boeing 757-200 flying for Air Astana.
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a last look at the safety demonstrations.
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After the safety demonstration, the screens will show the onboard camera.
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A Finnair A340-300
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We continue to taxi to the runway.
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We are nearing the runway threshold and it is a Bangkok Airways Airbus that will take off before us.
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And before we line up, an Etihad Airways Boeing 777-300ER lands.
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We slowly line up on the runway…
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Behind us an Air Asia Airbus.
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And our Airbus starts it take off run and starts its flight towards its home, Taoyuan Taipei International Airport.
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The video entertainment will go to its starting screen.
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I start to have a look at the AirShow to check our route.
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A superb cloud formation that we will pass while climbing over Thailand.
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The cabin crew will hand out the menus which are the TPE-BKK and BKK-TPE ones.
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And the drinks and wine list.
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The cabin attendant will start to take the order for the main course and the drinks.
The cabin attendant will confirm that I chose the pork with bamboo shoots. Indeed, China Airlines allows First and Dynasty Class to choose the dish they want on their website 14 days prior to departure.
I tested this offer and it worked well. At least you can be disappointed an will always have your choice of main course.

The drinks are served and come with otsumami.
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I will look at one of the movies available on Sky Fantasy, China Airlines' entertainment system. I chose to watch Toast, a film in the likes of Billy Elliot.
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The trays are brought out, one by one with a glass of water. The starter, Salmon with apricot, thai bean salad.
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The crew will then come with a trolley and will serve the wine. I chose a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.

The starter plate will be cleared and they will bring me my main course.
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They will then clear the tray and they will offer a plate with fresh fruits and a cake to everyone.
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I requested a tea with milk to finish my meal.
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After the meal I go and have a walk to economy class to check on my friends, a couple of pictures of the J and Y cabins.
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Another picture of the Dynasty Class regional seat.
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The Airshow
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The cabin shortly before we arrive.
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During the descent, safety information are on the screens from time to time, between 2 maps.
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We are arriving in Taiwan.
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The route we just flew.
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We have arrived in Taipei, the proof, all of China Airlines' tails and its famous plum flower !
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See more


China Airlines

Cabin crew10.0

Bangkok - BKK


Taipei - TPE



Our departure from Bangkok was delayed because our plane arrived at the gate at the time we were supposed to board. Yet they did everything to turn the airplane around and 30 minutes later we were boarding, Bravo !

The seats are comfortable but they are not lie-flat. Indeed, the regional configuration is denser than the intercontinental one.

I give a 10 to the Crew and Lounge agent who stayed calm and polite despite the 3 amazingly rude passengers.

The meal was excellent and very filling. I really liked the thai bean salad, the gingko beans served with the main course and of course the vanilla and green tea mousse.

An excellent flight on China Airlines who's so proud to have joined the SkyTEAM Alliance.

Information on the route Bangkok (BKK) Taipei (TPE)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 13 avis concernant 4 compagnies sur la ligne Bangkok (BKK) → Taipei (TPE).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est China Airlines avec 8.2/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 3 heures et 36 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 8455 by
    TheLuc 1616 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR
    Vos amis n\'étaient pas un peu jaloux ????
  • Comment 8456 by
    nicoco95 585 Comments
    Merci pour ce 1er sur China Airlines
  • Comment 8458 by
    lagentsecret 12184 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR. Il est très agréable de suivre vos pérégrinations à travers l\'Asie en classe premium !!
  • Comment 8464 by
    pititom GOLD 11524 Comments
    Merci pour ce report très complet. J\'adore l\'intro : \Les vacances sont terminées et malheureusement il faut rentrer à Tahiti...\ ! Comment pleut à Paris ce matin ^^
  • Comment 8468 by
    jam 2001 Comments
    Hello, superbe FR comme d\'hab.

    J\'ai le même porte carte Mont Blanc lol .
  • Comment 8479 by
    manureva744 AUTHOR 251 Comments
    @theluc : Et bien non, ils ne sont pas jaloux car ils savaient que j\'étais en classe Affaires. Ils se sont renseignés pour savoir combien ça leur en coûterait pour se faire surclasser. 500 USD chacun, ils ont préféré ne pas prendre l\'option donc ils sont restés derrière...

    @pititom : Oui je savais que ce petit mot d\'humour allait plaire mais ne vous inquiétez pas, on est en pleine saison des pluies ici et depuis que je suis rentré il y a maintenant 5 jours, il ne cesse de pleuvoir !

    @jam : c\'est mon protège-passeport qui m\'a été offert pas une amie, il est très beau et très utile !
  • Comment 8486 by
    nicoco95 585 Comments
    Mais j\'au une question pourquoi avoir appeler leur compagnie China Airlines et pas Taipei Airlines parce que Taipei et un empire indépendent non ??
  • Comment 8491 by
    Damss974 1810 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR !
    Très belles presta de CI, ca donne vraiment envie !
    Pas plus mal que ca son entrée dans Skyteam
  • Comment 8495 by
    tigertigre33 58 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR
    Je suis vraiment écoeuré que des gens puissent manquer autant de respect à des personnes qui font leur boulot.
    encore merci
  • Comment 8508 by
    Leadership TEAM BRONZE 5493 Comments
    Merci encore pour ce très long FR, j\'adore, et je vous remercie car je sais que c\'est long à faire surtout l\'upload quand il y en a tant!

    J\'ai l\'impression que le produit est correct, le repas semble plutot bien mais la présentation est je trouve à revoir, la cabine est plutot moderne, on dirait des sièges lie-flat mais qui du fait de la configuration \régional\ et donc un pitch moins généreux sont en faite bridé en cradle?

    Sympa des Dimsum au salon, qui semble cependant sombre.
  • Comment 8534 by
    Planet Earth 881 Comments
    Merci pour ce loooooong FR.
  • Comment 8588 by
    Flight94 1882 Comments
    Très beau FR très complet ! Merci
  • Comment 8932 by
    02022001 GOLD 4457 Comments
    Merci pour ce FR avec china airlines. Cette compagnie n\'a pas l\'air trop mal
    Ca a du etre ralant pour vos amis d\'être en éco mais je vous comprend, c\'est tellement bon, la business!
  • Comment 9253 by
    marathon GOLD 10185 Comments
    Petit cours d\'histoire géopolitique, très résumée, par le régional de l\'étape :)

    1945 : le Japon est vaincu par les USA, mais la guerre, devenue exclusivement une guerre civile, continue en Chine
    1949 : victoire des forces du Parti Communiste Chinois (PCC) sur la nationalistes (du Kuomintang = KMT). Repli stratégique du KMT sur Taiwan. Les USA garantissent au KMT (donc à Taïwan) qu\'ils défendront éternellement Taiwan contre toute attaque chinoise. Le PCC et le KMT continuent de considérer qu\'ils sont chacun le seul gouvernement de toute la Chine.
    1979 : établissement des relations diplomatiques USA-Chine,)et rupture formelle USA-Taiwan. Avec comme condition à la clé l\'arrêt des attaque militaires chinoises.
    début des années 90 : abolition de la dictature et de la loi martiale à Taïwan, qui est désormais une démocratie

    Depuis, les relations se sont fortement améliorée entre Chine et Taïwan. Mais
    - la Chine continue d\'écrire rigoureusement partout que Taïwan fait partie de la Chine. Toutes les cartes chinoises incluent Taïwan, et le matraquage en interne est tel que 99% des Chinois en sont persuadés.
    - Taïwan a conservé son nom officiel de \Republic of China\ (et non empire), ce qui explique que la compagnie nationale s\'appelle China Airlines. Taipei est le nom de la capitale.

    Relisez aussi mes FR de/vers Kinmen (KNH) et Beigan (MFK)

    (désolé d\'avoir été si long, mais l\'histoire de Taïwan est tellement passionnante et méconnue...)
  • Comment 9257 by
    nicoco95 585 Comments
    Merci pour l\'info ;)

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