Review of Singapore Airlines flight Zurich Singapore in Business

Airline Singapore Airlines
Flight SQ345
Class Business
Seat 96A
Aircraft Airbus A380-800
Flight time 12:25
Take-off 11 Mar 15, 10:35
Arrival at 12 Mar 15, 06:00
SQ   #1 out of 94 Airlines A minimum of 10 flight-reports within the past two years is required to appear in the rankings. 701 reviews
Published on 4th April 2015
This is the translation of a report I did on a flight in business class with what is in my opinion the best airline in the world. Singapore Airlines.

I took this flight with Lagentsecret who will be my teammate in reporting this memorable 12 hour 20 minute flight!

Having arrived from IST via VIE and after a refreshing night with a lovely AirBNB host, we were ready at 6 AM to tackle this eventful day! We took the bus to the terminal which we found not exactly user friendly with confusing signs to hall No. 2 where SQ operates out of. Eventually we find the right check in area which is impressive when you see the number of desks SQ has!
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The check in agent is very nice and we get our boarding passes 5 minutes later and she will direct us to the LX lounge which we weren’t too enthusiastic about having read several reviews about it

The corridors are not very appealing as there are some renovations going on
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There is a fast track for premium pax but given the low amount of passengers this morning it is not really useful
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Following the security checkpoint the terminal becomes abit more pleasant
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Number_2 knows this airport pretty well, it’s almost his homebase you could say :)
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The SEN lounge is nothing to write home about and it’s quite small and dark, we will not be staying here too long
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The food on offer is average at best but at least the coffee is decent
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My meager selection
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After less than 20 minutes we decide to part with this depressing place and head to the E gates where the panorama lounge is said to be ideal for spotters like us
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But before hand Lagentsecret advises me to check out the bar upstairs which is said to be really long
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As a model collector I am appalled by what LX tries to pass for A330’s
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Passport control before taking the train to E gates which is much more pleasant but it makes photo taking hard because of the structure of the terminal and pillars everywhere. But I am hoping it will be better upstairs with the patio… Except that it is closed until May :(

Well, let’s try from inside anyways with this QR 788
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And LX
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The food on offer here is very slightly better than in the SEN lounge but at least it’s more spacious and there’s natural light
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A332 Edelweiss
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Check mate for this skyteam lone star
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If I were to fly the 787, EY would be one of my first choices
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Our huge bird getting ready for the short hop back to SIN, 9V-SKP, the 5th newest A380 for SQ (9V-SKT being the latest)
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This lounge is used by a lot of patrons, no wonder it’s bigger than the other
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Frustrated by the lack of clean spotting we decide to try and go downstairs again, we will leave our carry ons with the agents manning the front desk.
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This plane is truly magnificent
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A343 LX
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Our whale
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76W UA
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This café has better food on offer than our premium lounge
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We try nevertheless to find decent viewing angles
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Germanwings departing, couldn’t read the reg.
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UA is leaving us
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I am surprised that TG sends an A346 to ZRH with a much lower product quality than its A380
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UA departs

LX also
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Special delivery for 96A! My Book the Cook masterpiece
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We find abit to eat before the flight, bearing in mind we should save room for the SQ goodness on board :)
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My selection
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An A330 pushes back
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BA in the background
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Another A330 pushes back
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EZYjet arrives
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BPs and stamps
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After about an hour and a half we leave this dreaded place with excitement knowing we are about to embark on an awesome 13 hour flight with the SQ girls! (and boys)
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Lagentsecret easily identifies our Suites neighbors but I do not dare photograph them, I’ve got more interesting specimens to photograph on board!

This plane isn’t easy to photograph but the jetbridges have windows which makes it abit easier
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An A340 next door plays abit shy
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Yes we arecoming!
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My suite is waiting for me at the back ^^
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TK which doesn’t interest me at this point in time, I’ve got bigger fish to fry!
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Awesome welcome, with a big smile by Hoon, the chief stewardess of the business class cabin, Hoon who will gracefully lead me to my seat (and subsequent personal SQ Girl for the remainder of the flight)
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Excellent first impressions with a minor imperfection, the stain cannot be removed which is why the crew placed a coaster over it.
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The back of the upper deck with the staircase
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Welcome drink, Tattinger of course !
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Cheers !
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Boarding is slowly proceeding but at the back everything is calm which is why I chose this seat along with Lagentsecret. It is well known that people prefer to sit up front which will benefit us as the last cabin will mostly remain empty, and as the crew is split into sections, our flight attendants will be much more available to cater to our every needs and desires.

There is however one drawback to seats 96A and K. Because of the curvature of the plane these seats are narrower than the others, just like rows 11 and 12. It’s not a problem when you are sitting but if you are tall, the bed is approximately 17% narrower than other seats. Thankfully for us, the pai 96D and F will remain free thus we will be able to use these as beds.
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Oshibori which was piping hot just the way I like them. There will be many on this flight, at least half a dozen.
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Yours truly!
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Jaclyn who will be in charge of our section throughout the flight will turn out to be perfect in every way possible, very charming, sociable, and eager to please and the festivities begin right after boarding when she accepts with great pleasure to pose with me! As a fair warning this is not the last time she will be pictured in this report! Hehe! Also just to clear things up, my arm is hanging from the ledge of my suite lol, I am not actually touching her (though I would not have minded ^^ )
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Your two humble servants :)
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Following this fun introduction which will set the tone for what will be a most memorable flight, doors are locked armed and cross checked, push back is on time (or at least I think so, I have to confess this wasn’t my biggest concern at this point haha) ^^
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Another added bonus, because of strong headwinds, this flight which on average takes 11.5 hours will be longer by almost 1 full hour! Another reason to celebrate!
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Lining up with the Runway
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We will wait a couple minutes, point at which I notice a couple of security vehicles behind us and I am wondering if they are here to make sure we get off safely?
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Some narrow bodies land in the meantime

And off we go! (Video to be published shortly)
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The A380 is not the best looking bird flying around but it is one graceful one on takeoff with the divided ailerons providing more accuracy in turns etc
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Bye bye Kloten!
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Esteban’s smurf left behind
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Leftwards bound
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ZRH under the cloud layer
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It’s already much more pleasant up here
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The middle seats will remain empty which will increase our comfort by a lot of points! It will negate the narrowness of the side seats plus it provides easy access to our carry ons
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Post departure drink – Tattinger served with packaged nuts which is abit disappointing knowing that out of SIN they are served warm in a dish.
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Bubbles submitted to gravity altitude ^^
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Jaclyn pampering 007
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First round of Satays. Jaclyn explained to me that they are loaded in SIN, blast frozen and then reheated for the leg back from ZRH which is why they are not offered on the inbound leg, also due to the late departing hour
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Jaclyn poses for me again along with a fine bottle of bubbly she’s so charming!
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Luxury at its finest
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Not being able to contain myself I will gladly accept 4 more Satay skewers…
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… Followed by another 3… If every skewer weighed in at 50 grams, I ate half a kilo of meat before lunch even began!
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In order to burn some calories before lunch starts an hour later I will take a short stroll across the cabin, you can see here how intimate the cabin feels, which is in a league of its own where Best & Beyond has no room to speak ;)
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View from 91A
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Then 19A
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The Suites are well protected
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The most spacious lavatories on SQ’s fleet, very intimate and comfortable
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When I come out, lunch service has already started and I notice a merry couple seated where I was seated with my wife back in November.
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Cheese board and fruits for after the mains
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Which is making me hungry
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Back to my den and noticing that 007 has already been served his starter, he will not notice me lurking about as he was probably focusing on a nice piece from Dire Straits as well as producing excellent FR work ;)
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Our galley empty at the moment
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Sorry bud, you can’t go down there!
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The lovely cheeseboards
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What can I say about the service? Completely personalized, you are served when you are ready, at your leisure, it’s almost as if the crew had a cam on every seat to detect when you would be ready for the next course. I’ve never flown First Class before but I wonder what extras there may be to fly there.
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Here comes the appetizer: Parma ham with roast vegetables-orzo pasta salad
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Garlic bread
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Appetizer without flash
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With flash
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The tray, I mean the table sorry ^^
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For intermission I will take a SilverKris Sling
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At this point a SQ Boy pops in from behind and starts chatting with me querying about service levels, I tell him my honest opinion and then I explain to him that me and my friend opposite from me write reports on flights we take and I mention Flight-Report to him, he seems quite interested and asks me to hold on for a couple minutes, he pops back a few minutes later with a flute of Dom from Sweets class!

What a nice touch, James will also get one
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About 3 minutes following this little masquerade, my main is served, I heard chosen a grilled filet of beef despite knowing that the chances of it being overcooked were extremely high, nevertheless I wanted to give SQ the benefit of the doubt and boy was I in for a treat! I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.
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Visually speaking it’s extremely appealing and several leagues ahead of what European airlines could offer. Apparently Gate Gourmet handles catering for SQ ex ZRH which explains the high quality of the products.
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Throning as the master, my glass of Dom
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I was really surprised by the sheer size of this piece of meat, I would guess 12 oz minimum which takes me 750g of meat since we took off!
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Grilled to perfection
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The meat is well cooked, pink in the middle, I would’ve preferred it slightly pinker but this was still an excellent result in my opinion.
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Well how did it taste? Excellent! The meat was juicy and tender and very qualitative overall, it’s been a long time since I enjoyed a piece of steak this much. The tomatoes were very juicy and flavorful too. Having this meal coupled with Jaclyn who was monitoring my progress and almost cheerleading with with glasses of water to wash everything down…
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The view outside was no less epic than the contents of my dinner table, were flying East towards Georgia at this point
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I was starting to feel very full at this point…
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The bread was also quite tasty
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Eventually I end triumphant, I beg 10 minutes relapse before the cheese course. Jaclyn says ok :) Whew! At this point I’m pretty sure Mr. Bon was finished with his second entree.
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Dessert: White chocolate and passion fruit crémeux, delicious but at this point in time I was pretty much ready to call it quits !
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And apparently my eyes were also bigger than my liver LOL
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Baileys to digest… Heavenly!
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The very qualitative headset
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After a few clouds the scenery outside is no less spectacular
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Flying over Caucasus
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I wasn’t on the right side to spot it but thankfully 007 saw Mt. Ararat which was awesome! Please refer to his report to see it :)

Following Armenia we flew over Azerbaijan

With gorgeous snowcapped mountains

Let’s not forget the winglet :)
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The sun was starting to set above the Caspian Sea
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Here’s a comparison shot of the beds between 96A & D
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007 is working hard
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My seat
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The little separation between rows 95 & 96. Please note that the cabin is very much cooler at the back, by at least 5 degrees I would say , the change occurs somewhere by row 93 so if you get cold easily, either double/triple up on blankets or choose a row in front of 93. It feels pretty funky when you’re walking around.
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Other cabin views

Nightfall is imminent
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The pitch
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Our current route
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Here’s a little sunset timelapse :)

It is now dark
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The moving map had a slight bug in that it showed nightfall 1 hour earlier than reality.

Time for a little movie, I choose something easy on the brain at this point and choose the Internship with Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell and Co. As soon as my screen turned on Jaclyn popped in front of me ans asked me if I’d like some munchies or a drink, I asked for a hot chocolate as I am still VERY full. 5 minutes later she came with it and boy was it delicious!
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We will chat for about 30 minutes and she will talk to me about Singapore where she comes from and how she loves her country, she will ask me questions about our travel plans and several times actually she will come chat to me, very naturally she did it and you could really tell she loves her job.

Then I tried to sleep abit but it’s hard when you’re on a day flight and I’ll give up 2 hours later after dozing off lightly.

We are here

2:30 prior to arrival the mood lighting is kicked off very gently which was very pleasing to the eyes. The crew sprang into action
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007 patiently waiting for his breakfast. In between meals he had a couple of tasty light bites which you can see in his FR
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The seat upright
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Jaclyn took my drink order and I chose a fruit spritzer with sprite and apple juice.
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In the meantime I ask her for a bit more time to wait before breakfast to which she agrees and heads off to serve James who was anxiously waiting for his BTC :)
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And she was not the only one serving him :)
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Here is the menu

The mood lighting is set individually per cabin and as such ours was turned off after the passengers who were awake had their breakfast
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1 hour later I surrender to Jaclyn’s enthusiasm and accept my breakfast following a photo of yours truly :)
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Fresh fruit
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The croissant wasn’t bad, better than the ones on the ground in Zurich
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My table
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And here is my choice, Book The Cook : Swiss Roesti with Balik Salmon
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When I saw the plate it was as if my stomach gradually grew by enough room to eat this (and believe me when I say that my stomach really doesn’t need to get any bigger!)

Boy was it delicious, the potatoes were crunchy on the outside and warm and fluffy inside, the salmon was tender, fresh and it just melted in your mouth… I would’ve almost been willing to eat a second plateful!
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A Grand Slam for Zurich’s Book the Cook stations, well done!
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At this point in the flight I realize that it is nearing completion which made me sad. For me, one of the best, if not THE best flight experience in my life. Hoping to extend this feeling abit I decide to go to the back galley and do some photos with the crew who cheerfully accept. Moreover they suggest photos with different groups of crew and even Hoon the chief stewardess will pose with me which I was very happy about!
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I don’t think I will ever forget Jaclyn’s smile ^^
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These guys were also super cool, Lim Jian on the left will seize the opportunity to promote SQ’s new slogan: The 6th Star campagin : S’pick and span : From take off ‘til we land’
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With Hoon & Jaclyn
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Jacklyn & her fingers
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We have almost arrived, on time if I remember
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Our whale jet following disembarkation, fresh as a spring chicken
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A 772
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Thanks 9V-SKP, you were great !
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See more


Singapore Airlines

Cabin crew10.0

Independent Panorama


Zurich - ZRH


Singapore - SIN



SQ : This was my 2nd flight with them, a near perfect flight just like my 1st experience with them back in November. It’s amazing to think that their product is nearly 8 years old and still a leader in the industry. Of course there is a hefty price to pay for it, but still a marvelous experience. The SQ Girls are a trademark SQ has built and help maintain the brand strong & appealing.

The crew was perfect on all aspects, assertive but humble. Perfect timing for each passenger, a personalized experience which makes me question the benefits of traveling in R. For those who have accused SQ of being sexist, I did not noticed any difference in behavior between the SQ Boys & Girls.

The food was excellent end on end. The portions were very generous & of quality. The nuts in the package were the only blemish which was compensated by the glass of Dom! 10/10 well deserved!

The IFE screen is crisp, bright and a pleasure to watch. There are 2 things I will penalize. The lack of camera when most A380 operators have it and no free wifi for premium pax.

Lounge: I will grade the panorama lounge. The LX lounge deserves an F. I heard a new lounge will be opening this year and it’s high time for that. The panorama lounge offered good views but we were disappointed the terrace was closes.

ZRH : Average airport, disappointing in some ways as you expect alot from the Swiss !

SIN : Spick and span no matter when you land ! I love this airport, it’s a real joy to pass through it and I actually like the carpet, I find it soothing

Information on the route Zurich (ZRH) Singapore (SIN)

Les contributeurs de Flight-Report ont posté 27 avis concernant 2 compagnies sur la ligne Zurich (ZRH) → Singapore (SIN).


La compagnie qui obtient la meilleure moyenne est Singapore Airlines avec 8.7/10.

La durée moyenne des vols est de 12 heures et 17 minutes.

  More information


If you liked this review or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post a comment below !
  • Comment 133501 by
    jetsetpanda 2283 Comments
    Thank you William for providing a translation of your exquisite report along with beautiful pics for the benefit of those of us who don't speak French. I personally appreciate the behind the scene set up of the meals in the galley.

    Great presentation and impeccable service as expected from an airline of this caliber.
  • Comment 133507 by
    lagentsecret 12184 Comments
    Thanks for sharing this FR

    Overall a wonderful experience with (the) SQ (girls) lol

    See you soon for a next report
  • Comment 134599 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Comments
    Oops, I thought I'd already commented you and 007's reports :-P
    Awesome report as usual! Very comprehensive with great pics. Your enthusiasm definitely comes through in this report! Dual or group reports are always cool to see to be able to compare different people's opinions on the same product with similar experience. SQ is living up to it's good name in this report with the SQ girls being perfect as usual! Your wife has got to be jealous of the SQ girls or does she not read your reports, haha :-P

    Thanks for sharing and hope you had a great time in BKK! I really wanted to try to come out for the meetup, but I was in the middle of moving so bad timing.

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