Avis du vol Air Caledonie Nouméa Maré en classe Economique

Compagnie Air Caledonie
Vol TY103
Classe Economique
Siege 2D
Avion ATR 72-600
Temps de vol 00:40
Décollage 18 Aoû 19, 10:00
Arrivée à 18 Aoû 19, 10:40
TY 15 avis
Par GOLD 494
Publié le 6 juin 2020

Third New Caledonian "domestic" flight, today's we're heading to Maré one of the Loyauté Islands for a long week-end.


All the routing has been reported on the french counterpart website, after the long inbound journey from France to New Caledonia (near Australia). Small geographic lesson in order to clearly understand the next flight reports…

So as you can see on the map New Caledonia is composed from a big island (roughly 400km long), 3 small islands on the east called "Loyauté" and a famous small island on the south called "Isle of Pines". already presented on previous reports. Today we're leaving the main Island for a long week-end to Maré the Eastern Island of Loyalty.

Also known as "Nengone" it's the less touristic island of the archipelago but believe me it's one of the small preserved paradise hidden on Caledonia's territory. Once again not to many choices to get into this island, you've got the Betico boat twice a week with at least 6 hours of navigation. But also the Air Caledonie ATR's 2 or 3 rotations per day to Nouméa Magenta. Like for Isle of Pines, the lack of competition on this route set the prices to a really high level even for the "discounted" ticket. We've payed around 140€/pax for the return flight, flight time is around 30 minutes one way.

photo p0a

That's give's us the following routing: 


A new destination for the english database, with the introduction of Maré La Roche airport. But there is plenty of unreported destinations on Air Calédonie network like Koné, Lifou or Ouvéa.

Back to Magenta

Once again, for this small Island hopping the flight will took off from Magenta airfield, is it located near the city center and it's really easy to get there if you have a car, the main issue is to park it. There is a free parking but is stuffed almost all the time… So you need to park on the roadside near the airport.

photo p1

But with the nice sunny weather and this nice view on the airfield it's really pleasant to walk near the airport. If you want to see more about it and general aviation on New Caledonia have a look at the bonus at the end of the report !

photo p2

After a few minutes of walk we reach the terminal entry, a bit busy this morning.

photo p3photo p4

Inside the old main building you can find the departure and arrival area, you have also some basic services like an Air Calédonie sells counter, an information desk and an ATM.

photo p5photo p6-58330

On the left side you've got the Air Calédonie check in counters where you can check in to all the flights.

photo p7-38658

As I telling you there is only domestic flights from Magenta airfield, but it's quite busy especially on Lifou island.

photo p8

After an express and efficient security crossing, we are free to get on the single boarding area air side. Little travel tip, there is no restriction on the liquid transport in inter-island flights.

photo p10

Two tourists will pass the checks in hurry to jump on board this ATR 72-600 who's waiting them to leave Nouméa for Ouvéa island. As you can see the view on the traffic is quite good.

photo p11

The same aircraft during taxi and take-off, maybe you'll remember him it's the same aircraft who's getting us to Isle of Pines few days ago, flight report is here.

photo p12photo p13

Few minutes after, India Papa take off another ATR lands on a roaring sound, is coming from Isle of Pines and we now him also, we were on board three days ago, it's here also.

photo p14

And another couple of minutes later, it's our aircraft who lands on GEA runway, coming from Lifou.

photo p15

Another registration for my logbook, today it's F-OZKN an ATR72-600 delivered from Toulouse factory just one and a half year before.

photo p16

We were close to the boarding time, but no agent was at the door, and not surprisingly a public announcement will inform us that our flight was delayed by 20 minutes due to the late arrival of the plane, for the door display, it is basic with this wooden panel.

photo p18

For the boading pass it's a modern "shop receipt" style. I don't like them. 

photo p17

We are now ready for boarding, not a long wait before walking into Magenta's tarmac. Priorities for families with young child were respected.

photo p19-37758photo p20-71384

As usual the tail is covered with the Caledonian ridge arrow , a real island symbol that is also the airline logo.

photo p21

Next to us, our sister-ship start is engines to go to Lifou Island.

photo p22

Fuselage shoot before climbing by the rear left door, usual for this kind of aircraft.

photo p23

On board ATR72 with Expliseat cabin.

A nice view also on our left P&W 127-M engine. We were welcome on board by our smiley main purser, he is more than 6,4ft high, not very comfortable when you work on board an ATR…

photo p24

A bit of change on these Air Calédonie report, the cabin ! Inside F-OZKN and F-OZNO you don't have the usual "Armonia" cabin but the lightweight seat provided by the french manufacturer "Expliseat"

photo p25photo p26photo p27

Once again we will be at row #2 but this time on the right side. The first 2 row's can't be used due to aircraft balance.

photo p31

The same traditional drawings are painted on the bulkhead.

photo p28

The back of the seat is interesting to see how the engineers works to reduce the number of parts and the weight of the seat. A lot of the parts are in composite material like the tray table. If you look manufacturer data, weight/seat is reduced by 20kg, expected earn could be around 400kg for the complete cabin.

photo p30photo p64

Pitch is pretty good thanks to seat reduced thickness.

photo p33

The overhead panel is modern with the signals related to electronic devises uses.

photo p34

View from my seat

photo p29

With nobody on the first row we've got the extra safety breifing related to exits use as we are the closest to the doors.

photo p32

As we are reading this extra safety card, engines are started, and our crew perform the safety demonstration. As she start to deploy the front jump seat an huge cockroache fall from the seat structure ! With a real cold blood she took one of is high heels at the hand and crush the stowaway on the cabin floor ! Few seconds later the cabin purser comes from the back with a plastic glove to remove the remains of the insect, looks to be an usual procedure for Air Calédonie crews.

photo p35

No towing, with this nose out parking and we start our quick taxi time to runway 17.

photo p36photo p37

U turn at the end of the runway to line up.

photo p39

Then the engines are set to take off thrust, and we are soon flying over the airport buildings and parking's

photo p40photo p41photo p42

We are quickly climbing with a nice view on the residential district of Magenta.

photo p43photo p44photo p45

After the initial climb we are turning left, to avoid the city of Noumea and take our heading to Maré. What a beautiful view on the city and the Sainte Marie's bay.

photo p46

The famous mount Ouen Toro is on our right 

photo p47photo p48

Even close to Noumea the water is crystal clear !

photo p49

Bye Nouméa see you in 3 days !

photo p50

As we are still climbing we flew over Sainte Marie island

photo p51

Few seconds after the Tamanou islet and is famous floating restaurant.

photo p52photo p53

We are finally facing East after another left turn.

photo p54

We are starting our main island crossing as you can see it's not really flat.

photo p55

The green/blue sea water surrounded by ocher sands show's Ué's bay.

photo p56photo p57photo p58

A little further you can see Prony's bay one of the famous place to see humpback whales in New Caledonia.

photo p59photo p61photo p60

Unfortunately the clouds cover mark the end of this scenic flight.

photo p62

Inside the cabin it's really quiet.

photo p63

The engines are working perfectly, it's not so noisy for a turboprop aircraft.

photo p65

Not many things to see outside, time to have a look on the seat pocket, you can find the usual safety card and Origin'air inflight magazine

photo p66

Detail of the network and corporate information's introduced inside the magazine.

photo p67photo p68

Part of flight path recorded on flightradar24, in this part of world tracking network is poor.

photo p108

As we are crossing the coral see, cloud cover start to scatter.

photo p70

But soon we start to see the island coast between clouds

photo p71photo p72

We are still pretty high to avoid this 2 big cumulus

photo p73photo p74photo p75

Then we are performing a U turn to get the approach path to the runway 13.

photo p76

On your right the small island of Tiga there is no regular flight to this small community.

photo p77

In order to land on La Roche airfield we are approaching from the North of the island

photo p78

So we go along the incredible blue seabeds

photo p80photo p79photo p81

Wonderful isn't it ?

photo p84

Another few degree turn is necessary to reach final's path. The sun light is blocked by clouds so the reflection on the sea doens't gives us the same blue colors.

photo p83

We flew over the second biggest "city" of La Roche it's more like a bush village, the other city is Tadine where is located the harbor.

photo p85photo p86

Few seconds before touch down 

photo p87

Welcome to nengone

Smooth landing on the small runway of La Roche airfield.

photo p88

Even with a powerful braking we are over-passing the taxiway to the apron. 

photo p89

Not a problem, a U turn at the end of the runway and a small taxi and here we are.

photo p90photo p91photo p92

The terminal building, small but sufficient for the 2 to 4 daily flights operated from it.

photo p93

Next to the terminal, you can find the tower and the firefighter's hangar.

photo p94

We are parked nose out, and engines are quickly shut down, time for the passengers to leave the cabin

photo p95photo p96

Friendly farewell from our crew and we exit the aircraft by the rear left door.

photo p97-53418

Always the same nice tail design.

photo p98

To reach the gate you've to walk few meters to the terminal building

photo p99

Time to have a last view on our aircraft.

The arrival hall is really small and has difficulty to contain all the passengers from the flight and all there goods.

photo p102-46807

After picking up our luggage it's time to leave the airport to visit the island. There is barely no service at the airport with just a sales counter and no wifi.

photo p105photo p107

And to leave the airport it could be complicated if you didn't book anything prior to your arrival:
- You've book a room on the single hotel of the island who's a shuttle service.
- Like us you've the luck to find a car rental (very expensive and rare during the wedding season)
- You can call a local taxi (it will come if there is no oil shortage on the island, a common thing)
- You know a relative on the island who's a car… not so obvious.

photo p106

I let you here, you will find on the bonus few pictures about aviation in Magenta hope you will enjoy it!

Bonus : Cliquez pour afficher
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Air Caledonie


Nouméa - GEA


Maré - MEE



Another spectacular flight performed by Air Calédonie, once again the service is average, aircraft is well design for this type of flight, crew are friendly and professional and if you have a window the entertainment is incredible but all this good points are balanced by the lack of catering service and the high ticket price.

Air Calédonie:
Comfort: Once again these new ATR's are really good on this small island hopping, the Expliseat cabin with lightweight seat is still comfortable for 30 minutes flights.
Crew: Friendly cabin crews with the smile on their face, focus on passenger safety, and with a good insect fighting skills. Good !
Entertainment : In flight magazine, but the main entertainment is at the window with, once again this incredible scenery flight over the lagoon.
Catering: Nothing is served or sold on board. For an half hour flight you can at least give a bottle of water. When you see the ticket price ...

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1 Commentaires

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  • Comment 556431 by
    KévinDC TEAM SILVER 6874 Commentaires
    Hi Scorph, thanks for sharing another cool report from this series on New Caledonia! It's nice to be able to vicariously visit these far-off exotic places in these times where so few are travelling. Once again I find Air Calédonie's livery to be very beautiful. It's got to be one of the nicest liveries out there in these days of so much boring white.

    There aren't that many reviews on the ATR expliseat cabins so it's cool to see. I think I've only seen them on Air Tahiti before. While I can't say that they're attractive seats (in fact I find them ugly), it's good that they can save weight while providing a bit more space, but I can't imagine such thin seats to be very comfortable. Luckily, these aircraft aren't doing very long flights.

    Thanks for sharing!

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